Amazon Neighborhood Association

24th to 30th Avenues
Amazon Park to Agate Street
Eugene, Oregon





Amazon Neighbors are welcome to join us for
Steering Committee meetings
Second Wednesdays 7-8:30pm at Amazon Community Center 


Camas Ridge Community School
November 18, 2009

Attending: 35 (23 neighbors)
Special Guests: Karen Hyatt, UO Community Relations; Sgt. David Knapp, Eugene Police Department; Trevor Taylor, Eugene Parks & Open Spaces; Jana Rygas, Save Civic Stadium; Jane Cramer, Garden Project Coordinator at Camas Ridge Community School.
Convener: Randy Prince, Co-chair, Amazon Neighbors Steering Committee
Notes: Erik Muller

Camas Ridge Neighborhood Matching Grant Proposal Update: Jane Cramer described the two major parts of the grant: a butterfly garden and a covered outdoor class space. Neighbors can pledge help as part of the grant match. Those willing to help children in ongoing garden work can contact Jane ( or Erik Muller (344-1053).

Town Meeting/What’s To Like or Dislike about Amazon? Randy Prince introduced the discussion with a light-hearted travelogue about the tribes of Amazon, who while they differ have concerns about transportation (2), communication (1), land use (12), safety and crime prevention (5), and noise (15), the bracketed numbers indicating a quick count of those interested in each topic.

While the noise topic dominated the discussion, we recognized its connections to land use, communication, and safety. What follows are points listed in the order they were raised. Although no action was taken, the Amazon SC will review the content of the town meeting.

Points offered:

*mainly home owners attending (also three UO journalism students covering the meeting)

*infill will bring more people into the neighborhood: more renters, as in West University where 98% rent, or more home owners?

*Within one mile of campus, police respond regularly to noise complaints and frequently cite for Minor In Possession of Alcohol

*the City of Eugene adopted an urban growth boundary with the intent of growing up, not out

*there are really few big parties each school year

*students renting in Amazon should not be seen as a fear-based issue

*how can families be encouraged to stay in a neighborhood of small bungalows? by remodeling them?

*has Amazon neighborhood really changed very much?

*Karen Hyatt indicated that the UO Conduct Code does not extend to 17, 000 students living off-campus, so UO Community Relations has been formed to encourage good student neighbors and neighborhood livability. Two brochures are being distributed and are available for neighborhood use: “Working Together to be Good Neighbors: Tips for Homeowners and Students Living Off Campus” and “Living Off Campus: A Guide for Students.” Any issues/incidents should be reported to, a site where data can be collected.

*Sgt. Knapp reported that students have been respectful in response to law enforcement. He noted that roaming crowds, often of non-university young people who are under 21, create problems at parties that get out of control. With 3,800 freshman this year (and new students every year) there is a huge need for education of the kind provided in the before-mentioned brochures.
When an Amazon neighbor lodges a complaint at the non-emergency police number, the neighbor should get an incident number. The party that is cited gets a First Response Notice; after that, any police calls to that address get charged to the household.

*non-student adolescents who live with their families in the neighborhood can also be a source of nuisance

*we all have different tolerances for noise

*the city should densify first where it is already zoned for multi-unit houses

*new big residences near campus might take pressure off Amazon

*alleys are not designed for infill traffic loads and they should maintain permeable surfaces

* will post land-use issues

*Amazon e-mail helps getting neighbors to meetings

*there could be a separate section of Amazon e-mail for discussion of issues, such as the party noise issue that sparked numerous e-mails, and for posting neighborhood problems/alerts

*should a Neighborhood Watch be rejuvenated?

Election of Amazon Neighbors Steering Committee: Connie Berglund asked for further nominations for SC to add to the current SC, all of whom are willing to serve another year. Hearing none, she called for a vote to ratify the slate, which was done. The reelected SC members are Jon Belcher, Randy Prince, Linda Lu, Wilma Crowe, Connie Berglund, Erik Muller, Bob Cassidy, Ann Muller, Larry Robidoux, and Thelma Soderquist.

Save Civic Stadium Update: Jana Rygas explained the history and present situation of Civic Stadium, as well as the plans of Save Civic Stadium to keep the landmark, restore it, plan for year-round use and neighborhood-friendly activities, and expand the 10 acre property into a center for recreation, possibly including a YMCA facility. Fundraising focuses on immediate repairs and leasing Civic from 4-J.

Announcements: Connie has maps of Amazon relating to her historical profile in the recent Newsletter. A flyer was circulated for a November 19 discussion of the proposed covered bike parking at Camas Ridge: contact Nick Venezia,

Steering Committee Minutes
October 14, 2009

Amazon Neighbors Steering Committee Minutes, October 14, 2009
Attending: Randy (facilitator), Connie, Jon, Larry, Ann, Erik (notes), Lu, Wilma, Bob (9 neighbors), Jane Cramer.

Neighborhood Matching Grant Proposal: Jane Cramer presented Camas Ridge Community School’s proposal for a Neighborhood Matching Grant that includes the building of a butterfly garden with an outdoor covered learning space (OLAB—Outdoor Learning Area and Butterfly Sanctuary) and expanded use of native plants on the school property. The proposal received the approval of the Steering Committee. Jon will write a letter to Neighborhood Services communicating this approval. The proposal was in its early stages, and individual SC members indicated that the proposal could have been more complete and shown a much stronger outcome for community benefits.

September Minutes: We will revisit corrected minutes at our next meeting.

Announcements: The Infill Compatibility Standards Working Group is presenting its first group of recommendations to the Planning Commission. We authorized Sue Pritchard to use the password that both Randy and Jon have to access the Regional Land Information System, an LCOG data base.

Amazon Sustainability Committee: The book group is started; liaison with Camas Ridge garden continues.

Treasurer’s Report: The city reimbursed us for the main dishes at our summer potluck; balance is currently about $130.

Old Business:

We approved Jon’s letter explaining why Amazon SC is not participating in the Neighborhood Survey.

Larry will report later about a meeting with UO sound technicians about sound levels and duration at Hayward Field.

The city directed 4J to scale back lighting at Camas Ridge parking lot. One light was taken out, others were redirected. The complainants appear satisfied with the changes, but we should further discuss the lighting in terms of hours of operation.

General Meeting Plans: The meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, November 18, 7-9, at Camas Ridge Cafeteria. Randy indicated that he would check if we could stay until 9 and have staff present to lock up. It is a dessert potluck, including program from a Civic Stadium spokesperson, a brief overview of the Camas Ridge proposal, election of SC, and a general town hall discussion about neighborhood concerns.

The following SC members will head up meeting components: Elections, Connie; Civic Stadium 15 minutes, Jon; General Meeting Host, Randy, with butcher paper and notebook notes by Connie and Erik; Refreshments, Ann & Thelma.

Amazon Website: Meeting with Martha Osgood, Jon and Erik learned she wants a replacement soon and that the .org website could benefit from regular forwarding of minutes, SC papers, and articles used for the newsletter and more. It is not clear if the .com website will continue.

UO Intern Program: Jon will approach UO to recruit a neighborhood student to help communicate with student residents.

NLC Report: Jon reported that the NLC is trying to emphasize in its meeting how neighborhoods are actually dealing with issues, not just reporting on regular meeting and activities.

Neighborhood Empowerment Initiative Report: Randy indicated that the NEI has not completed its business from the summit, but is considering using neighborhood printing funds for website development, distributing newsletters by e-mail, and scheduling more meetings with city department heads.

Halloween at the Cemetery: In response to a request for volunteers to help patrol the Masonic Cemetery on Halloween, we decided to call for volunteers by using our listserv and urging the cemetery to contact its membership.

Steering Committee Minutes
September 9, 2009

Attending: Randy (facilitating,) Jon, Connie, Wilma, Bob, Erik, Ann (7 neighbors)

Minutes of July 19 meeting: Amended to specify that Randy and Jon jointly will set the agenda for meetings. Approved as amended.

Bob, in his capacity as EWEB Commissioner, has been attending meetings in other neighborhoods, including SUNA. He reported some of their actions and concerns. He also reported that there will be a Community Action Team and public hearings to determine the future use of the riverfront EWEB property. Meeting dates will be announced in the media, and EWEB is actively seeking public input.

Regarding new student renters coming into the neighborhood:
A Welcome letter will be finalized. Various ways to distribute it were discussed: posting it on the neighborhood websites, including a copy in the next newsletter, emailing it to our neighborhood email list. Randy will talk to Martha about posting it.

Jon will talk to John Bredesen about possible Hallowe’en disruptions. UO has a home football game on that day.

The UO Office of Government and Community Relations is distributing flyers about welcoming new students. We would like to have about 200 of them for our use.


Treasurer: No changes. All bills paid. No reimbursement yet from city.

Erik reports: The Sustainability Book Group will have its first meeting on Wednesday, Sept. 30, at 7:30, at the Muller residence, 1330 E. 25th. The first book to be discussed is Michael Pollan’s In Defense of Food.

Jane Kramer is the new volunteer garden coordinator at Camas Ridge School. Erik is trying to recruit an Amazon Garden Brigade to help at the school garden.

Erik will no longer be serving as Amazon representative on the NLC sustainability committee, and is looking for a replacement.  (# Dave Stuckey has since agreed to be the new representative.)

NEI: The work of the Neighborhood Empowerment Initiative committee, which is made up of city staff and representatives from the neighborhoods, is not yet done, and it is unclear how NEI will be perpetuated, or if it could/should be transformed into a liaison program. Empowering neighborhoods is no longer one of the City Council’s goals.

No report available from Sue Prichard on the Infill Compatibility Standards Working Group. Gordon Anslow has resigned from that committee.

NLC: Jon reports that the legal status of the NLC is “up in the air.” The committee has no formal status, and does not want to be under the control of the City Council.

City survey in neighborhoods: We let this one slip through the cracks. Although the city will provide training, and monetary incentives to neighborhoods to complete this survey, the completion date for the survey is October 15, and we’ve gone nowhere with it yet. Members of the S.C. expressed varying amounts of support for the survey, most of it ambivalent. A motion was made and passed not to participate in the survey, and to write a letter to the city explaining our decision. Jon will draft a letter within 3 weeks.

There followed some discussion of land use issues, the assessment of land availability for infill and redevelopment, and the possible expansion of the urban growth boundary.

Summer Potluck: In spite of the heat, the event was well-attended (about 52.) Thanks, Connie, for suggesting a move indoors. Extra food provided by Taste of India was popular, as was the door prize event. We think just about everybody there won something! A fine event.

Communications: The members of the S.C. agreed that communications from the city should be filtered through our chairmen. Erik and Ann will take responsibility for distributing to Connie and Wilma any city materials that are forwarded to us by Jon and/or Randy. M. Kinnison has requested (from Jon) names, addresses, phone numbers and email addresses of S.C. members. We gave permission for everything except our email addresses.

It was agreed that there should be an email list that includes only the present Steering Committee members.

Martha always posts meeting agendas and minutes to the “complete” Neighbors email list (if she receives them.)

Jon and Erik will work on improvements in our communication technology and protocol.

Newsletter: Connie, Marcy and Erik met to do newsletter planning. Content is yet to be determined, but will include information about the Fall General Meeting.

Fall General Meeting: To be determined:  Date: preferably Nov. 18, but possibly the 17th or 19th ; Connie will check on availability.

Candidates for the S.C. election.

Program: Jana Rygas would like to do a presentation on Civic Stadium preservation. Randy suggested a presentation on infill and urban growth. Bob would like to see a discussion on the petition campaign against the new state tax legislation. An EWEB presentation on rate hikes and conservation is another possibility. Other suggestions included a discussion of taser policy, and inviting Mayor Piercy to the meeting.  As usual, it will be a dessert potluck.  Further discussion at our next meeting, Wednesday, Oct. 14, 7 p.m.

Meeting adjourned.
Submitted by Ann Muller

Steering Committee
August 19, 2009

General Meeting POTLUCK.

Steering Committee Minutes
July 8, 2009

Attending: Randy (facilitating), Jon, Connie, Wilma, Larry, Bob, Ann, Erik (notes) (8 Neighbors).

June Minutes: Approved.


Randy and Erik will attend one or the other of the Neighborhood Leader Training (July 14, August 11).

Jon informed us that the Neighborhood Program and both the Human Rights and Sustainability Commissions are now under the City Manager’s Office.

Committee Reports:
Treasurer Bob reported on our account: $150 or thereabouts. He was instructed to pay the $56 web domain bill and seek a reimbursement from the city.

Erik asked about interest in a summer bike tour of sustainability features in Amazon. Given that no one is stepping forward to lead it and that the BRING tour (Sunday, July 26, 9am-5pm) includes three of last summer’s Amazon gardens, there will be no such tour this year. The bike tours planned by other neighborhoods can be seen at _________.

Jon reported on the NLC, indicating Neighborhood Reports were due June 1 and should include numbers attending our meetings. Amazon keeps its active status by having 10 non-board members at 3 of 4 of the general meetings/potlucks. The May General meeting had only two non-board neighbors. The Neighborhood Matching Grant cycle begins soon. Three neighborhoods are piloting a collaborative newsletter that might lead to an all-neighborhood publication.

Randy discussed the NEI survey and how it might be distributed/completed/returned. Jon will send us a copy and later we will decide what our SC can do to help get completed surveys.

Co-Chair Duties:
We agreed to accept the proposal from Randy and Jon that they divide duties: Randy to set agenda and chair meetings, Jon to be our rep to NLC. Co-chairs could be assigned additional duties by the SC as needed or they could themselves agree on who might take the lead on them. They will share the task of communicating with the SC.

Sound from Sports:
The SC has received complaints about the noise from Hayward Field events, particularly the announcing. The recent National Championships were very loud, heard as far as 35th & Donald! We approved work on a complaint letter (Larry & Connie will work with Randy) addressing the UO Facilities Manager and the City Council, with copies sent to adjacent neighborhood boards, with reference to the lack of specifics in the current ordinance on disturbances from environmental noise.

Summer Potluck:
Amazon Main Hall, Wednesday, August 19, the event 6-8, but the space reserved from 5:30-8:30 for prep and clean up.

Jon is passing the information to Marcy, for a mailed flier; Ann & Thelma will lead on food, ordering up to $100 in vegetarian and meat main dishes (reimbursable by the city), Jon will line up the Duraware, Connie will coordinate sign in and door prizes/possible raffle, Randy and Jon will welcome guests and address briefly Amazon news, Bob will gather EWEB handouts.

We want to invite people to bring surplus garden produce.

Also, at our next meeting we need to discuss guidelines for hand delivering Amazon fliers/newsletters.

University Alley: 
Whitey Lueck has discussed with some SC members the problems with the alley behind his house. Some neighbors filed a complaint about his efforts to naturalize the right-of-way; one neighbor dug up his planting. Randy thinks the city might be able to contract with local mediation services to help settle neighbor disputes, and in this instance Amazon SC could have an observer (Connie volunteers). But it is not clear at this time if there are neighbors willing to meet with Whitey and a mediator.

Safe Routes to Schools Grant:
By a 7-2 e-mail/phone vote, we rescinded the advisory to the city council that we did not support the plan dealing with access to Harris-Eastside (now Camas Ridge Community School). Jon convinced David Roth to remove some of the plan’s features: two traffic circles taking up 32 parking spaces, an island at University and 30th. Randy sent an advisory letter. The strobe light at 30th is only activated by pedestrians (including bike riders off their bikes wanting to cross 30th). At the NLC, Jon protested our neighborhood’s lack of involvement in developing the plan, an issue NLC will take up at a later meeting.

Summit Follow Up: Randy attended.

Next Newsletter: Connie, Erik, and Marcy need to meet in July or August to plan for the articles for the Fall newsletter. Every SC member is invited to contribute ideas or written pieces; send them to Erik.

August SC Meeting: We will have no SC meeting in August; the Potluck is August 19.

Cookies: Thank you, Wilma.

Submitted by Ann Muller

Steering Committee Minutes
June10, 2009

Attending: Bob Cassidy, Connie Berglund, Jon Belcher, Erik Muller, Ann Muller,Thelma Soderquist, Larry Robidoux, Randy Prince, Paul Moore, John Bredesen, Denny Hellesvig, Marcy Cauthorn (10 Amazon neighbors, 2 visitors)

There will be a transportation “town hall” on June 16, 6:30-8:30, at St. Mary’s church, 1062 Charnelton.

There will be a post-summit potluck get-together on Sunday June 28, from 4-6, at the Hilyard Community Center. Comments may be viewed on the city website:

Jon reported on a disgruntled call he received related to manner of delivery of our newsletters, flyers, etc., and how it may compromise the resident’s security and privacy. Erik will inquire about delivery protocol.

On Sunday, June 14, 12-4 p.m., there was a Recycle Roundup at the Temple Beth Israel parking lot. Amazon Neighbors had a table there.

Treasurer’s report:
Bob reported no changes in our account. Also, no report from EWEB.

NLC report: Randy reported briefly on the 2 NLC meetings since the last Steering committee meeting. The NLC is autonomous, with no staff help from the city. Training will be available on June 25 for those who want to be neighborhood leaders. In May, the NLC discussed the Human Rights and Diversity Strategic Plan, and a Climate Action Plan. Money may be restored for email and other neighborhood communication. The big question: how to empower neighborhoods?

Cell Phone Tower in Masonic Cemetery?
John Bredesen and Denny Hellesvig, from the Masonic Cemetery Association, reported on an inquiry by AT&T regarding the installation of cell phone tower(s) in the cemetery, although it appears at this time that such an installation is unlikely. Because of the cemetery’s historical designation, nothing can change the appearance of the mausoleum or cemetery, and since AT&T was interested in mounting something on top of Hope Abbey, they backed off when they learned that was not a possibility. It’s not known whether or not they are still considering some kind of “stealth” installation. The MCA would stand to gain between $1000-$2000 per month, if a tower were located in the cemetery.

Newsletter Editor
The committee accepted Marcy Cauthorn’s offer to be our new newsletter editor. Melissa will pass on the relevant materials and templates, etc., to Marcy, who will be responsible for putting together two newsletters per year, plus occasional flyers. Marcy’s contacts on the steering committee will be Erik and Ann, who will proofread. Erik will take responsibility for distribution. Randy noted that the city may help with providing addresses, possibly with an electronic product, although it was agreed that a “hard copy” is essential, for those who don’t have internet access. Marcy will be on our steering committee email list (

Recap of May General Meeting:
Aside from Steering Committee members and invited speakers, only two people attended the general meeting. What happened? It was on a Tuesday, rather than the usual Wednesday night. It was in a different location (Hilyard Center, rather than Amazon.) How can we better publicize and encourage attendance at general meetings? Should we be emailing? Postering?

Safe Routes to School - The rest of the meeting was devoted to a discussion of a “Safe Routes to School” grant which the city has applied for, and which would result in a number of changes to traffic control strategies in Amazon neighborhood, which would have the goal of facilitating safer bicycle riding, in effect creating a “Bicycle Boulevard”. The grant was written and submitted without any consultation with neighborhood representatives. After much discussion of the purported features of the plan, a motion was made and passed that we ask the city to withdraw or postpone the grant application in view of the total lack of neighborhood input.

Next meeting: July 8.

Submitted by Ann Muller

May 2009 - General Meeting

Amazon Neighbors Steering Committee Meeting
April 8, 2009

Attending: Jon, Bob, Lu, Alden, Ann, Erik, Connie, Thelma, Larry, Randy (10 neighbors)

Upcoming May 12 General Meeting:
         The program focuses on crime prevention and mediation of differences, with Acting Police Chief Kerns, E.P.D. Steven Chambers, and a spokesperson from Community Mediation Services. The evening will include public comment, report from Amazon Neighbors, refreshments, donation can, and sign up for e-mail.

         Melissa Takush is doing her last newsletter this spring. Thank you, Melissa, for years of service to our neighborhood! We discussed the tasks Melissa had and realized they might be parceled out: gathering articles, layout and printing with city help, delivery by mail and neighborhood volunteers. Suggestions: at the General Meeting have job description and announce the opening, explore intern use from UO or LCC.

         Sue Prichard’s Infill Compatibility Standards report was read by Jon.  Code is being developed to be sent to the Planning Commission.
         Larry has communicated to Sue and tonight to us a concern about what is being called “detached living areas” that seem to have lower permitting standards than secondary dwellings, as if they are somehow really attached to the main dwelling. Though they cannot be rented separately from the other dwelling, both can be rented together. How do these two kinds of densification fit into the developing ICS codes?
         Randy commented that infill could not proceed in an orderly way without alley improvements.
         Bob reported that EWEB had received the highest award among public utilities for safe, reliable service while focusing on new improvements. Rates will increase because of BPA increases. In May EWEB Commissioners vote on the Seneca generating plant and in June on whether or not to move from the current administration building.
         Alden, a co-manager of CASL, reported that he is helping design water catchment systems for both irrigation and drinking. Alden was interested in the new gray water legislation that would allow for water reuse.
         Erik and Jon indicated our commitment to helping at the June 14 Temple Beth Israel Reuse/Recycle Day, using newsletter and a separate flier.

This led to a discussion of our communications, and our showing support for greater use of the website and e-mail, but not losing sight of those without computer connections as well as our obligation to use mailings/deliveries to every Amazon household announcing general meetings. We could use more meeting time to determine how we can better use both print and electronic communications.

Neighbor Welcome Letter:
         We adopted the letter subject to Randy’s reformatting and the addition of useful phone numbers. The letter will be used by anyone who wants to print it from the website. It might also be part of a newsletter delivery to all households. We will have copies at the May 12 meeting.

Next Meeting:    June 10

Amazon Neighbors Steering Committee
Minutes, March 11, 2008

Attending: Randy, Jon, Bob, Connie, Thelma, Erik, Wilma, Ann, Larry
Guests: Ruth Bryant, Alan Zelenka (10 neighbors)

Brief debriefing of Summit:
Lots of contacts, short on time, some proposed ideas already in process, preparation materials good, facilitators knew little about topics

Connie—pedestrian & bike rights and rules available from Ray Thomas, Swanson, Thomas & Coons
Erik—Martha sent instructions about making her webwork easier, timely & complete; Melissa will finish her Amazon work with this newsletter
Jon—Reach will be meeting with city staff
Larry—noted two new structures defined as detached living areas at Emerald/Onyx at 26th, and University and unpaved section of 25th.  Larry will continue looking into such structures, and the subject will be on our next agenda
Jon passed around Sue’s report of ICS

Harris-Eastside Parking Lot Lighting:
Neighbors, including Richard Shields, have complained about the intensity and angle of light from the poles in the new school lot. While 4J has put in other bulbs, it is not clear if such a change meets city code. It was moved, seconded, and passed that the city investigate and enforce code as needed (measure light, check intrusion into neighbor yards). Jon will pass on this resolution to the city.

Alan Zelenka, Councilor Report:
Alan Zelenka listed a number of current council concerns and then commented on those we were interested in and there was time for. The concerns are: police auditor, new city hall & police building, ICS, sustainability, in-house attorney, street projects, Crest Drive assessments, budget deficit, economic development, mold in rentals, West Eugene EmX, Walnut mixed use, field burning, South Eugene spraying, downtown development.
     Sustainability—the Sustainability Commission, to which AZ is council rep, has established the following goals: that the city organization be climate neutral by 2020, that waste be reduced by 90% by 2020, that community-wide fossil fuel be reduced by 50%, that the commission investigate the feasibility of a food security plan, that the city manager use the triple bottom line at the staff level (economics, environment, equity). There is interest in banning plastic bags, but county expected to implement first.
     Budget--$12M deficit in a $120M general fund; $4M lost with Hynix closure; suspending COLA might be discussed by city unions; how to meet deficits still being determined.
     Streets--$173M repair backlog; five year tax levy of $36M provides repairs/rebuilding for designated routes, with annual audit; bike lanes connectors and preservation delayed, but levy doubled $ for bike/pedestrian paths.
     Economic development—city will develop a stimulus package to help maintain existing businesses and to ready for green technology enterprises; an economic summit of co-operating agencies is planned.
     Rental Housing Code—to address mold problems, but not by revising building codes.
     City Attorney—considering in-house attorneys with contracting out of specific tasks.
     Downtown Development—Beam moving forward with Centre Court and one pit; Sears pit for WG’s mixed use building & inner courtyard depending on financing and getting anchor tenants. Council extended to Sept 30 WG’s purchase deadline; housing downtown without vacancies unlike commercial rentals.
     Walnut Node/Mixed Use—Planning Commission to review plans this fall; bike path link completed ay east end of Franklin.
[SC members and guest appreciated Alan’s update and exchange]

Student Tenant Letter:
Marilyn Milne (South University) sends letters to landlords; we might consider this; the issue is students learning to live in a community; visiting neighbors can be effective; handouts might be tailored to each micro-neighborhood; or a letter (Erik will send his draft) might be useful to post on our website and circulate widely. To be on April agenda.

Recycling/Reuse Day at Temple Beth Israel:
Jon reported on developing plans at TBI for a June date to have a recycling/reuse day with representatives from several recycling groups as well as a disposal site. We moved, seconded, and approved a motion to work with TBI in planning and working at the event. Erik will be in touch with Lisa Arkin, TBI.

Committee & Treasurer’s Reports:

     Sustainability: Erik said that the TBI and Harris-Eastside School ties with neighborhood are developing, especially around school garden and composting. Neighbor garden volunteers are needed. Amazon, through the NLC Sustainability Committee, helped with the Green Home Show, at booth, conversation concourse, and workshop presentations.
     Treasurer: Bob reported that our Valentine raffle netted $59, and our current balance is $203. Erik wrote thank yous to local merchants donating raffle items.

EWEB Outreach:
Bob reported:  Jeanine Parisi of EWEB can address a number of topics on energy saving. Tree trimming this week involves clearing wires of branches. Notification has been good; the tree trimming is not always pretty. The determination about the EWEB administration building will be made in June: to keep or to move to new EWEB facility.

Spring Meeting & Newsletter:
Randy will check for rooms for Wednesday, May 13, and Monday, May 11.
After discussing a range of possible themes, which clustered roughly under living with neighbors and sustainability, we decided to contact the police chief, a mediator, and possibly neighbors from close-in to the university to have a program about dealing with settling disputes and encouraging civility. Randy will begin putting together the program.

The newsletter deadline is April 1. Articles should be sent to Melissa before then. Here are the ideas we generated for articles and who could write them:
     School garden, Amazon websites Erik
     Neighbor portrait Erik
     Valentine thanks Erik
     Temple recycling day notice Erik
     Alternate Dispute Resolution Randy
     General Meeting Notice: Date, Place, Agenda Randy & Jon
     Lighting Issue Jon
     ICS Progress Sue (asked by Jon)
     Summit Overview Jon
     Harris-Eastside Notes Melissa

There was something choclatey, something peanut-buttery! Thank you, Wilma!

Feb 2009 - General Meeting with Valentine Theme

Amazon Neighbors Steering Committee,
Minutes, Jan. 14, 2009

Attending: Jon Belcher (chair), Larry Robidoux, Connie Berglund, Linda Lu, Erik Muller, Thelma Soderquist, Ann Muller, Wilma Crowe, Bob Cassidy, Randy Prince (10 neighbors)


Bob Cassidy reported that EWEB will increase the amount available this year for utility bill assistance to $1,752,000, a figure which does not include $300,000 from an anonymous donor for the same purpose. Also, EWEB is evaluating its buildings for possible upgrade for some other use (perhaps even as a new City Hall.)

Erik Muller announced the introduction of a new, privately-owned and interactive website,, edited by Sherry Wellborn. Regarding our own website: Martha has not yet announced a “retirement” date, and, in fact, her health may have improved. Also, a representative from the health-care reform organization Archimedes is available to give a presentation if we would like.

Randy Prince reminded us that Phil Barnhart, Floyd Prozanski, and Paul Holvey would be holding a Town Hall meeting this coming Saturday, Jan. 17, 9:30 to 11:00, at Roosevelt Jr. High.
Another offer of a presentation at neighborhood meetings: Pete Kerns, for a “chat with the chief.”

Larry Robidoux called our attention to a recent publication of the Jefferson/Westside newsletter “Neighborhood News”, with its extensive reportage on development issues in that neighborhood.

MINUTES: The minutes of the December 10, 2008, meeting of the Steering Committee were approved.

TREASURER’S REPORT: The bank account balance remains at $144.10. There was a brief discussion of how, in addition to passing the basket at General Meetings, we might encourage donations, or otherwise raise revenue.

There were no reports at this time from either the NLC or the ICS group.


The city has approved the application, asserting that ordinances already in place should protect the neighborhood from undesirable consequences of the development. The only requirement at this time is that the developers install 11 parking bumpers to the west of the sidewalk.

Jon B. has spoken with Charlie Magee (sp.?) about the possibility of cooperation and collaboration, suggesting such things as a grant application for a bioswale in the parking area, the construction of a neighborhood greenhouse, etc. Jon believes we need to cultivate a positive relationship with Reach to enhance the likelihood of compliance and cooperation.

Other comments related to the Reach approval/development: Randy pointed out that the term “community center”, as it applies to this development, has not been defined. Bob suggested bringing it up with A. Zelenka. It was remarked that fees for a neighborhood or citizen appeal of a zoning decision are prohibitively high (also an issue of concern for NLC.) Connie wondered, again, what happens when the property is sold.

It was agreed that volunteers would be solicited at the General Meeting to work with Jon and Randy on cooperation/compliance with Reach and Rene Kane.


Amazon S.C.: Lisa Arkin and Jared Rubin are representing Temple Beth Israel in working with Harris-Eastside School on a school garden. There are opportunities for other neighbors to be part of a “garden brigade” in developing and working on this garden with students and staff.

NLC S.C.: The NLC Sustainability Committee will have a booth at the Good Earth Home Show, taking place at the fairgrounds Jan. 23-25. They will offer four workshops, literature, and have a “front porch” set up for conversation and engagement.


Jon reported that Humble Bagel has applied for a limited liquor license, for a new restaurant in the old Iraila space. It will be a family-owned business by the name of The Humble Beagle Pub. 

Meanwhile, the owners of Iraila are seeking input from neighbors for their new location at 24th and Agate. Thelma, Larry, and Bob C. agreed to meet with Mark and Kenny to offer input and support.


The event will take place Monday, February 9, in the main hall of Amazon Community Center. The hall is reserved from 6 to 9 p.m.; the public event will begin at 6:30. There will be a sign-in table, door prizes, and, possibly, a raffle item, if something appropriate can be scared up. Randy has been making inquiries about entertainment, but the general consensus was that 1) we can’t afford to pay for it, 2) it interferes with conversation which is the main purpose of this event, and 3) it would be more appropriate in the outdoor setting of the summer picnic. Erik and Annie Hubbird will have a set-up for Valentine-making; someone from JSMA may be recruited to help. Jon will order $100 worth of food from Taste of India, and ask for a donation of a gift certificate to raffle off.

NEWSLETTER: Erik is working on it.

NEXT MEETING: Wednesday, March 11, 7 p.m.

Submitted by Ann Muller

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