Amazon Neighborhood Association

24th to 30th Avenues
Amazon Park to Agate Street
Eugene, Oregon




ALL Amazon Neighbors are welcome to join us for
Steering Committee (SC) Meetings
Second Wednesdays 7-8:30pm at Amazon Community Center 


Amazon Neighbors Steering Committee
Minutes October 12, 2011

Attending: Connie, Erik, Wilma, Bob, Thelma, Larry
Guests: Margaret Haddaway, Ken David, Karen Hyatt
(7 neighbors)

Agenda changes

Karen Hyatt, UO, Assistant Director of Government & Community Relations
Karen, who had attended a previous general meeting, delivered new literature for students and other residents, Your Neighbors and U. We have additional copies for distribution.
The handbook for the Neighborhood Livability Working Group can be found at
Karen is willing to attend our meetings as needed; we also have a resource in Kaitlyn Lange at Both representatives want to hear from neighbors about student impacts on our neighborhood.

Ken David, New UO Parking Restrictions
Neighbor Ken David spoke to the issue of more cars parking in Amazon as a result of the enlarged two-hour restrictions for those parking in an “A” residential area. Under a program called E-Park, this area has just been expanded south in the South University Neighborhood, a move intended by the city, the university, and the close-in neighbors to encourage students to walk, bike, and use LTD. E-Park is impacting the north edge of Amazon.
Ken questioned the use of the two-hour limit for the entire area (2hrs M-F, 7am-7pm). He has observed the increased number of cars parking outside the designated two-hour limit area, which Ken feels can impede residential parking, street cleaning, and safe parking away from corners and hydrants.
Residents apparently can petition to become Zone A block by block, paying a $40 fee for a parking sticker identifying their cars.
Ken also stated that he felt neighborhoods were not sharing the responsibility for parking on streets and students are finding that two hours is very little time for their being on campus for classes, etc.
Connie will look into how Amazon Neighbors might learn more about the parking issue and find a forum for our views on the program. Jeff Petry is staff assigned to the parking program, E-Park.

Planning the November 2 General Meeting
The Main Hall is available for our use November 2; Marcy has begun the production of a newsletter that should be mailed in time to inform residents of the meeting. The meeting will include a dessert potluck.
The agenda will include announcements, SC nominations & election, and a program about solar access and current code height restrictions. Larry will lead that segment, working will Randy to form a panel of presenters/discussants.
Margaret repeated her interest in a book swap—attendees bringing books and taking away books. If that item is not included in the newsletter, we need to alert friends & neighbors about this opportunity to share.

Connie has a copy of the Pedestrian-Bicycle Master Plan and will be happy to loan it out.
She had the leaf pick up dates, as well
Erik reported on the successful worm bin inaugural, indicating that Amazon SC would help promulgate the use of such bins in Amazon and other neighborhoods.
Bob, reporting as treasurer, thought his reports could be quarterly. We have a balance of $245.

Cell Phone Tower at Golf Course
A short discussion of this ended with no motions or need for further discussion until a formal request for such a tower is made by the interested telecom company.

Minutes by Erik

September 2011 Steering Committee Meeting

August 2011 General Meeting and PICNIC

MINUTES, July 13, 2011

Attending: SC Members Randy (facilitator), Wilma (baker), Tasker, Connie,
Bob (treasurer), Ann, Erik (minutes).
Guests (2 neighbors) and presenters Patricia Thomas, Lisa Arkin, Neil Bjorklund, David Sonnichson, Charley Wright, Charlotte Peterson, Sara Urzua, Alison Guzman.

Minutes & Agenda: June 8 minutes approved; agenda item added—Small Dog Park.

Charley Wright, Masonic Cemetery Board, announced a July 31, noon, hour-long musical program at the Mausoleum: “Music to Die For,” by a woodwind quintet.
Bob Cassidy reported no change in the bank account, $246.09. He wondered what impact Amazon might feel with 2000 more UO students expected this fall.
EWEB news includes a July 22 City Club report by Julie Daniels on future energy types pursued by EWEB.
Randy referenced a July 15 City Club program that presented Salem’s possible use of streetcars. What about along Willamette?
NLC is improving e-mail capabilities of neighborhood groups. The large Cal Young neighborhood will be divided into 3 to 5 neighborhoods.
NLC will advise the city about ward redistricting so that the wards better mesh with neighborhood boundaries.

Dog Park: Amazon Small Dog Area Proposal
Connie and Randy attended a June 16 outreach meeting in which a second option was favored, to use part of the existing dog park rather than establish a new site near the skate park.
Neil Bjorklund, Parks & Open Spaces, indicated opinions were still being sought up to two weeks from July 17; he provided cards for those present to distribute to runners and bicyclists especially. Randy will post the opportunity to respond on the web.
Questions were asked about aggressive dogs regardless of size. Parks & Open Spaces cannot enforce, Neil said, so leaves this matter to the park users.

Envision Eugene/Opportunity Siting:
Patricia Thomas, Planning Department, explained the background for Envision Eugene--how to accommodate an expected 34K more residents in the next 20 years—and the draft proposal of the “Seven Pillars,” principles underlying the development of strategies and code changes/additions. One area not yet determined is the percentage of single-family dwellings in the housing mix, probably with greater emphasis on multi-family housing. The siting of larger and more dense housing will be decided within the larger view of the neighborhood or community. Such a principle is being applied to study and proposals for South Willamette Street.
Input still invited for both Envision Eugene and South Willamette projects.

Laurelwood Golf Course Herbicide Use:
At the June SC meeting, Charlotte Peterson had brought to the SC her concern about the heavy use of herbicides on the golf course, along the west side of her residential area. David Sonnichson indicated the same concern for the eastside of the course in the Fairmont Neighborhood.
Lisa Arkin, Oregon Toxics Alliance, showed pictures of and explained the violations of toxic application at the golf course. She indicated that a Rexius employee was contracted to spray in ways that Lisa indicated violated city code: turf and storm water regulations, posting requirements in a publicly used area. There are concerns to stop the practice, revoke the applicator’s license, notify Randy Rexius of the violations. Referencing successful efforts in the Friendly Neighborhood to ban such practice in Washington Park, Lisa stressed that the issue is city-wide.
Tasker will draft a letter of complaint/concern to the City Council. Lisa urged that Amazon have representation at a meeting with city staff on this issue, August 3, 11am, Eugene Public Library.

August 17 Summer Potluck:
For August 17, the third Wednesday, we have the Main Hall reserved. Randy will follow up with Marcy to help produce a postcard mailing: door prizes, garden produce welcome, some main dishes and service provided. Subsequent to this meeting Ann reserved the use of city recyclable table service and disposal bags and bag holders. Juice (Connie), coffee (Wilma), door prizes (All).
We need to collect e-mail addresses at the picnic, as well as recruit for webmaster/mistress and new SC members.

Thank you, Wilma!


Attending: Wilma Crowe, Bob Cassidy, Connie Berglund, Thelma Soderquist, Larry Robidoux, Ann Muller (6 steering committee members); Charlotte Peterson, Marcy Cauthorn, Paul Cauthorn (3 guests.)

Connie reported that all new names and addresses gathered at the May general meeting have been forwarded to Martha Osgood.

Bob gave a brief Treasurer’s report: our bank balance remains at $246.09. Also, as our resident EWEB commissioner, he said a few words about power concerns of the moment, particularly the surplus of electricity being generated by unusually heavy winds and water flow this spring. He reiterated that rates are due to rise in the fall.

Charlotte Peterson, Amazon neighbor, brought her concerns to the table regarding what she perceives as rampant spraying of herbicides/pesticides at Laurelwood Golf Course this spring. She shared photographs of browned and barren patches around trees and along waterways, areas which are harder to mow, but which in previous years had been left unmown with no apparent ill effects.

Charlotte has shared her concerns with Lisa Arkin of Oregon Toxics Alliance. Lisa has looked at the site and has promised the full support of her organization. She advises (via Charlotte) that the city will be more responsive to a complaint from an organized group of citizens or from a neighborhood organization, rather than from an individual.
Charlotte was advised to be in touch also with Hugh Pritchard, another neighbor with property holdings adjacent to the golf course.

Ann will be in contact with Lisa, who expects to attend our next SC meeting for further discussion of this problem.

Marcy and Paul Cauthorn expressed their concern regarding city plans for a Small Dog Park, and the proposal to locate it within Amazon Park (but not within what is currently the Amazon Dog Park.) Discussion ensued, with general agreement that, although there may be a need for a small dog park, there are many objections to locating it at the proposed site, and, moreover, the city has not (yet) brought the proposal to the affected neighborhoods for discussion.

A motion was made (by Bob) and passed, to send a letter to Councilman Alan Zelenka, as well as City Manager John Ruiz and Neil Bjorklund (Parks and Open Space,) expressing our concern about the lack of communication with our neighborhood regarding the siting of the dog park.

**Post-meeting addition:
Amazon Small Dog Area Proposal
Second Public Meeting next Thursday, June 16th!

The second public meeting to discuss the Amazon Small Dog Area Proposal will be held from 6:30-8:00 PM, next Thursday at the Hilyard Community Center in Eugene. At the meeting, a summary of public feedback received to date will be shared, along with several location options. For more information about the proposal, and detailed responses to the web survey, please visit:<>

For further information you can also contact: Neil Bjorklund, City of Eugene, Parks and Open Space Division at<> or 541-682-4909.

Bob suggested that we postpone writing a letter until after this meeting.

There was just enough time left to confirm the date of the next Steering Committee meeting: Wednesday, July 13;
and to set a date for the Summer Potluck: Wednesday, August 17. Ann will check with the schedulers at Amazon Center. The potluck might be used as an opportunity to recruit new steering committee members, as well as a webmaster to replace Martha. And set aside any likely goodies for the ever-popular door prizes.

Meeting adjourned.

Minutes submitted by Ann Muller


7PM, Amazon Community Center, Bldg. C
All Amazon Neighbors are welcome to attend our monthly meetings.
Please see our calendar of events:

Attending: Connie, Wilma, Ann, Bob, Tasker, Randy, Erik (7 SC members); Jan Spencer (1 guest).

Agenda: Additions made.

Minutes: January minutes approved.


Randy announced a webinar whose topic would be announced for March 15, noon at Eugene Public Library, as well as a Neighborhood Leaders Training Session, March 25 (check Neighborhood Services on City website).


Bob gave the Treasurer’s report: We have a $248.09 balance.

Reporting on EWEB, Bob said lots of snow will result in electricity that can be sold and the money can be added to the carryover; three rate increases are expected; an electric car program of the City Club would be Friday, March 25, at EWEB.

Connie attended the Open House for the Bicycle-Pedestrian Master Plan. She is concerned about plans for using Harris and Jefferson for bikes; she thought the neighborhood inter-connections looked numerous and well-located to help both bicyclists and walkers; Union Pacific right of way to the west was being considered for bike use; final plan to be done spring/summer. Note: Amazon needs to keep alert to how its list of recommendations is being incorporated into the plan.

Erik surveyed several projects that the Sustainability Subcommittee is involved in, either as lead or neighborhood link (see subcommittee minutes of February 10 for details).

Jan Spencer on Neighborhood Lecture Series:

Jan Spencer, River Road board member and sustainability activist, proposes a speaking tour in various neighborhoods and sited at the buildings of faith communities. He requested our support for such a meeting at Temple Beth Israel, a collaboration in which Amazon Neighbors (and its Sustainability Subcommittee) could assist in publicity and turnout, framing the program as a collaborative neighborhood event, and rolling out a sequence of neighborhood events to follow up on Jan’s themes of Front Yard Gardens, Transforming A Suburban Property, and including both of these, Creating a Safer, More Secure and Healthier Environment. Jan proposes a one-and-a-half-hour program, though he is willing to offer half-day seminars involving hands-on activities. The schedule of Jan’s series is available at: Note: Jan will notify Randy of the date he works out with Lisa Arkin. Then Amazon Neighbors can begin its efforts.

Motion passed: To approve and endorse Jan’s program at TBI and to contribute to publicity, turnout, and program presentation, including follow-up.

Randy on Envision Eugene and EmX:

Randy reported on Council voting on EmX and on the inclusion of neighborhood values in the adoption of “pillars” by the Envision Eugene working group.

Planning Spring General Meeting:

Tasker will check to see if Wednesday, May 11, works for our use of Amazon’s Main Hall.

Chairs will need to provide Marcy with the meeting details, including agenda and dessert potluck, so she can begin putting together a newsletter.

The main program is worded as “Show & Tell Living Green in Amazon,” with the idea that many neighbors/groups can talk about and better show their green activities. We did not decide how we would identify such “acts” but mentioned Sherry and vermiculture, David and bees, Penny and school commutes by bike, Annie and plant swap. Note: We need to begin identifying/recruiting such individuals/groups. We need to assist Marcy in rustling up newsletter items.

minutes by em


JANUARY 12, 2011

7PM, Amazon Community Center, Bldg. C
All Amazon Neighbors are welcome to attend our monthly meetings.
Please see our calendar of events:

Attending: Tasker (facilitator,) Erik, Ann, Wilma, Bob, Thelma, Larry, Connie (8 steering committee members); Pat Fisher (Amazon neighbor,) Jeremy Blanchard and Tessa Barker (students with a proposal.)

After introductions around the table, minutes for the December meeting were approved.

An announcement was made about the upcoming Good Earth Home, Garden & Living Show, taking place at the Fairgrounds January 21-23. The NLC sustainability committee will be represented there with seminars and a “conversation courtyard.”

Jeremy and Tessa introduced “Summer of Solutions,” a sort of neighborhood/community development program for students (some with stipends, some volunteer,) to work cooperatively with a neighborhood on issues of transportation, local food, energy efficiency, and so on. The national organization will have 16 programs this summer; Jeremy and Tessa are surveying Eugene neighborhood organizations to find a suitable and willing neighborhood. [I couldn’t find a functioning website for Summer of Solutions, but here is one for Grand Aspirations in Minneapolis, mentioned by Jeremy and Tessa as a related program:]

Bob C. gave a general offer of support on behalf of EWEB.

Bob reported briefly on EWEB matters. A performance auditor (i.e., efficiency expert) has been hired by EWEB. Rates for electricity will rise by 3% this spring; water rates will also go up this year. An issue of concern with the EWEB board is how reserves should be utilized.

Bob also gave the Treasurer’s report: our bank balance is the same as last month, minus a $2 check-writing fee.

Erik reported on the activities of the Amazon Sustainability Committee, which has officially been separated from the more purely social pot-luck/reading group. The committee met yesterday (Jan. 11,) and brainstormed about a variety of projects: worm bins, disaster preparedness, sharing of tools and resources. Goal statements will be formulated at the group’s next meeting.

No guest presenter was available for this meeting, so Tasker spoke briefly about bicycle/pedestrian planning. There may possibly be state funding for two bike-ped projects in Eugene. Those interested in the progress of the Eugene Transportation Plan can check out the website at:

A decision was made to abolish, at least for now, our Amazon standing committee to address bicycle/pedestrian concerns.

There will be a city-wide Bike-Pedestrian planning meeting on Monday, Jan. 24, at 5:30-7:30 in the Tykeson Room at the Eugene Public Library.

David Stucky is no longer able to be our representative on the NLC Sustainability Committee. We need to recruit a new representative.

Connie remarked that an update on the progress of Envision Eugene would be welcome. Sue Pritchard will be asked to talk with us sometime this spring.

Planning for Valentine’s Potluck, scheduled for Wednesday, Feb. 9, from 6-9 pm, in the main Amazon meeting room.

Tasker will confirm our reservation of the room, and confirm details with Marcy for the postcard. [As of today, Jan. 20, the postcard has been proofed and will soon be on its way.]

Wilma will make coffee and hot water for tea.

Connie will bring cold drinks, large name tags (to provide room for addresses as well as names,) and be the official welcomer.

Thelma will negotiate with Taste of India, for the “catered” part of the meal.

Annie Heron will be invited to do Valentine-making with kids again this year.

Ann will contact the city Neighborhood Services about borrowing durable tablewear and recycling kits.

Also, we will try to have a large aerial photo of Amazon Neighborhood mounted for display.

Everyone is asked to bring odds and ends for door prizes.

After a brief discussion about possibly expanding the newsletter, or collaborating with other neighborhoods on a combined newsletter, the meeting adjourned.

Submitted by Ann Muller

Minutes 2010
Minutes 2009
Minutes 2008
Minutes 2007

Minutes 2006 and earlier