Amazon Neighborhood Association

24th to 30th Avenues
Amazon Park to Agate Street
Eugene, Oregon




ALL Amazon Neighbors are welcome to join us for
Steering Committee (SC) Meetings
Second Wednesdays 7-8:30pm at Amazon Community Center 


2010 Meetings:

January SC meeting, 12 neighbors, 3 guests. Focus on Five-Person Housing Rule and Excessive Noise. Potluck postcard mailed.

February Valentine Potluck, 45 neighbors. Raffle of donated items.

March SC meeting, 12 neighbors, 3 guests. Focus on upcoming Eugene Bike-Ped Master Plan, report from Lindsay Selser; formed Bike-Ped Study Group.

April SC meeting, 13 neighbors. Focus on Infill Compatibility Standards, report from Sue Prichard. Four-page newsletter mailed.

May General Meeting, 35 neighbors. “The Sustainable Household” panel; Bike/Ped Surveys, Councilor Zelenka reports on city budget

June SC Meeting, 8 neighbors. Envision Eugene briefing, Jon Belcher; Mapping Your Neighborhood, Randy Prince

July SC Meeting, 9 neighbors. Various reports and plans. Picnic postcard mailed.

August Amazon Picnic, 38 neighbors.

September SC Meeting, 9 neighbors. Discussion of Campus Area Livability Working Group and of Role of Neighborhood Associations and Evaluation of Amazon Accomplishments.

October SC Meeting, 10 neighbors. Evaluation of Neighborhood Matching Grant Proposal: Worm Compost Bin; Planning November 10 General Meeting. Four-page newsletter mailed.

November Fall General Meeting, 40 neighbors, 2 guests. Election of 2011 Steering Committee; “Meeting Our Neighbors” panel; updates from Councilor Zelenka; Envision Eugene Update; Camas Ridge Community School update

December SC Meeting, 8 neighbors. Organizing 2011 Steering Committee; planning February 9 Valentine Potluck

2010 Activities: website: List serve and resource exchange, Martha Osgood. Sherry Wellborn.
Newsletters, cards, and mailings: Marcy Cauthorn.
Attendance at Neighborhood Summit.
Attendance at Green Neighbors Summit.
Attendance at Envision Eugene.
Attendance at Listening Workshop with Planning Department.
Green Neighbors Bike Tour, August 21, 15 riders, five sites.
Mapping Your Neighborhood, 1 meeting.
Budget and banking: Bob Cassidy.

Representatives to:

NLC: Randy Prince
NLC Sustainability Group: David Stucky
Infill Compatibility/ Envision Eugene Working Group: Sue Prichard
Livability Committee: Marcy Cauthorn
Liaison with Camas Ridge Community School : Erik Muller
Envision Eugene: Jon Belcher, Sue Prichard

Sub Groups:

Amazon Bike/Ped Study Group
Sustainability Subcommittee

2010 Problem Areas:

Recruiting more representative SC members.
Slow growth of list-serve.
Boosting General Meeting attendance.
Restarting hand delivery of news.

2010 Board Members

Randy Prince, Co-chair
Erik Muller, Co-chair
Bob Cassidy, Treasurer
Jon Belcher
Connie Berglund 344-3601
Wilma Crowe 345-3601
Tasker Houston
Ann Muller
Larry Robidoux
Thelma Soderquist

2011 Board Members, Elected November 10

Chair Randy Prince
Vice-chair Tasker Houston
Treasurer Bob Cassidy
Secretaries Ann & Erik Muller
NLC Representative Randy Prince
Connie Berglund 344-3601
Wilma Crowe 345-3601
Tasker Houston
Ann Muller
Larry Robidoux
Thelma Soderquist

Prepared by Erik Muller 12-10
Copies to Neighborhood Services & Amazon SC

December 9, 2010 - Wednesday 7pm
Steering Committee Meeting

7PM, Amazon Community Center, Bldg. C
All Amazon Neighbors are welcome to attend our monthly meetings.
Please see our calendar of events:

Attending: Connie, Randy, Erik, Wilma, Tasker, Bob, Larry, Marcy (8 neighbors)

Agenda added to; October minutes approved.


December 24 Carol singing flier to be distributed.

Eugene Neighbors, Inc, a 501c#, annual meeting Saturday, December 11, 2pm: “Fixin’ Up the Neighborhood and Who Pays for It.”

Map Your Neighborhood meeting took place at Mullers; Randy working on another MYN meeting.

December 14, 7-9, City Hall Council Chambers, Mayor Piercy’s meeting on school financing.

Our Ped-Bike Study Group needs more members; Tasker is tracking city developments on the master plan revision.


Treasurer Bob: $245 current balance; circulated fiscal year balance sheet showing expenditures from a $1900 allocation.

NLC emphasizing accountability with City Manager Ruiz; currently no proposed program, but relationship building.

Sustainability Subcommittee will be convened in January.

Bob reported that EWEB and the city are working on better communications, that Springfield wells might back up EWEB and allow bulk water sales, that EWEB is mandated to have 25% of its electricity from alternative sources.

Our website should include a link to EWEB’s.

Livability Committee with wide representation is cataloguing issues and developing strategies to reduce university nuisance impacts on the neighborhoods.

Our community resource intern needs to be someone who can attend our meetings.

Organizing SC for 2011:

We voted to appoint the following officers: Randy, Chair; Tasker, Vice-chair; Bob, Treasurer; Erik & Ann, Secretaries; NLC Rep, Randy.

See Updated Housekeeping List for assignments and volunteers.

Valentine Potluck Planning:

Date and place, Wednesday, February, 9, 6-9, Main Hall, Amazon Community Center.

Marcy has info for postcard invitation mailing.

Door prizes, main dish with city funds, recorded music.

Finish planning January 12.

Envision Eugene Update:

Randy reports that the 45 member Community Resource Team was meeting whole days, December 13 & 14. Infill Compatibility Standards work needed to be placed into the discussion, though the Planning Department indicated it was too busy to incorporate new standards, focusing instead on densification of South Willamette.

We voted to add Amazon SC support to Paul Conte’s letter, and any individual SC member could sign on as well.

Next Meeting: Wednesday, January 12, 7pm, C Building at Amazon Community Center.

Submitted by E.MULLER.

November 10, 2010 - Wednesday 7pm
General Meeting 7:00pm Amazon Community Center
This is a potluck dessert/snack--bring something healthy? The election of SC will be early in the 7pm meeting, as will announcements. How do we develop helpful ties to neighbors? Panel and discussion

OCTOBER 13, 2010

7PM, Amazon Community Center, Bldg. C
All Amazon Neighbors are welcome to attend our monthly meetings.
Please see our calendar of events:

Attending: Randy Prince, Erik Muller (co-facilitators), Jon Belcher, Connie Berglund, Bob Cassidy, Wilma Crowe, Tasker Houston, Larry Robidoux, Thelma Soderquist, Sherry Wellborn (10 neighbors)

Agenda: approved, with additions

September minutes: approved

Announcements and Reports

Treasurer’s Report (Bob): Our current account balance is $295.

NLC Report (Randy): The NLC Summit was well-attended. Participants were a balanced split between city staff people and citizens from all around Eugene, including 4 members of our Amazon steering committee. Themes of the NLC Summit: Does citizen input work? Demand from the grassroots: if we give city staffers our ideas, what will they do with them?

Bob announced that EWEB will be holding public meetings soon.

Jon announced that bike/pedestrian improvements are coming to our neighborhood, as a result of the city’s Safe Routes to Schools project. We’ll be getting new signs along Alder St., a new crosswalk with a light at 28th and Hilyard, and improvements to the crosswalk at 30th and Alder.

Discussion: Neighborhood Matching Grant – Worm Compost Bin Proposal
Sherry Wellborn, of our Sustainability Subcommittee, has drafted a grant proposal for a composting worm bin demonstration project for our neighborhood. Her worm bin project would provide a model for anyone wanting to develop local, nutrient–rich, clean compost by sharing the work among several neighbors. Anne Donahue, of Eugene’s composting program, is very supportive of this proposal. Other comments: Bob suggested that the steering committee should see that the project continues beyond the first year; Thelma suggested that Sherry could set times for on-site demonstrations, as public outreach. Jon noted that general worm bin information and Sherry’s demo times could be published on our community website, Connie suggested outreach to Camas Ridge School; Sherry responded that she’s already approaching local schools to establish educational outreach to students in our area, as well as suggesting (in response to Larry) that schools and other community gathering places could be good sites for future worm bins of this type. After more discussion and other suggestions, the steering committee voted unanimously to support this grant proposal. Erik will notify the city’s Neighborhood Services, and send a letter indicating that the steering committee will provide follow-up for this project after the 1st year.

Planning for the November 10th General Meeting:
Our general meeting and dessert potluck will start with elections to the steering committee, and brief updates on developments at Camas Ridge School (Astrid Wolf-O’Hern) and the Envision Eugene process (Jon Belcher). A panel discussion on Meeting Our Neighbors will be the main event of the evening. Randy will talk about canvassing door to door on emergency preparedness; Jon will have information from the U of O to share, and discuss ways to address noise or other neighborhood problems in cooperative ways. Erik will talk about Map Your Neighborhood, as well as other ideas on building community; Thelma will moderate the panel discussion. Other possible topics: what you can find at (Sherry); plant swaps and block parties (Annie Hibbard). A final slate of panelists, topics, and materials will be determined.

Next meeting: Wednesday, November 10, 2010.

Minutes submitted by Tasker Houston

MINUTES, SEPT. 8, 2010
7PM, Amazon Community Center, Bldg. C
All Amazon Neighbors are welcome

Attending: Randy Prince, Erik Muller (co-facilitators,) Wilma Crowe, Ann Muller, Connie Berglund, Bob Cassidy, Larry Robidoux, Jon Belcher, Marcy Cauthorn (9 neighbors)

July minutes: approved, with amendments (regarding due date for NLC grant previews.)

Agenda approved, with additions.

Announcements and Reports:

Neighborhood grant proposals: the preview deadline is October 15, two days after our next SC meeting. Since proposals have to be approved by our group, it’s necessary to move quickly on this.

Several suggestions:

Marcy would like a “clean up the neighborhood” project, with litter sticks and buckets. Graffiti removal would also be included. Maybe students in the neighborhood could be recruited to do some of the work.

Marcy also suggested a collaborative project in Amazon Park with the Friendly Area Neighborhood.

Sherry Wellborn’s proposal involves the construction of a four-family worm compost bin on the north boundary of the Masonic Cemetery.

Treasurer’s Report (Bob Cassidy): $100 spent for summer potluck refreshments has been reimbursed by the city. The website bill for needs to be paid immediately. Erik is following up on this.

NLC Report (Randy Prince): The most recent meeting focused on the revitalization of Trainsong neighborhood.

Amazon Sustainability Committee (Erik Muller): In addition to beekeeping and gleaning from neighborhood “street trees”, the committee, under the direction of David Stucky, is collaborating with the Reach Center to establish a neighborhood garden on the Reach property.

Bike/Pedestrian Plan Study Group (Erik Muller): More surveys were received at the August potluck event. David Gizara, a representative on the city-wide bike/ped committee, will meet with the Amazon group to discuss Amazon bike and pedestrian concerns in general.

Campus Area Livability Working Group (Marcy Cauthorn): Members of this group include representatives from the UO Community Relations Office and campus police, as well as from the city. Categories of issues include: noise, vandalism (e.g. removal of street signs,) inadequate property upkeep (garbage, yard care,) violence against people, theft, traffic, absentee landlords, “free” garbage left on the street). Karen Hiatt from UO offered to set up a visit to our neighborhood students by a group which includes the mayor, the university president, etc. We liked that idea, and Jon will follow up on this.   (Relevant to the Noise issue: Dog noise is covered by a different part of the code. LCARA is assigned to respond to dog noise, but does not currently have the resources to follow up on complaints.)

Report & Discussion: What Role for Neighborhood Associations? Randy Prince expanded on this topic, apropos of several city-sponsored events scheduled for this fall. On Saturday, Oct. 2, the third Summit meeting between NAs and city officials will convene around the theme “Partners in Leadership.” On Saturday, Nov. 6, a training program in Best Practices for Advisory Bodies will bring together members of NAs and official city boards for sessions in how to conduct their work. A related event is scheduled for Sat., Oct. 30, at the First Methodist Church – a citywide “Green Summit”, which is independently organized. All three are seeking the attendance of NA Steering committee members. Discussion followed on the role and influence of Neighborhood Associations. The question arose as to the value of these summits, and whether we should be recruiting attendees. Erik would like to see good representation from Amazon at the summits.

Report & Discussion: Amazon Neighbors: What are we doing right? What are we not doing? Erik passed around a compilation of our 2009 accomplishments. Connie remarked on our loss at no longer having a city representative at our meetings. She also would like to have a student renter on the committee. Erik would like us to have a better relationship with our city councilor, currently Alan Zelenka. Larry likes the neighborhood-building function of community events. Jon observed that we are good at sustainability projects, not so good at connecting with students in the neighborhood. Marcy thinks door prizes at the general meetings are a great idea.

Debriefing Summer Potluck Picnic: a successful event. About 40 people attended.

Neighborhood bike tour: A well-organized and varied tour, but it could have been better-attended than 20 riders. Stronger publicity might have helped.

Planning for November 10 General Meeting:   The event will be a dessert potluck, in the main hall of Amazon Community Center. A new Steering committee will be elected. Following discussion, there was general agreement to include the following in the Nov. 10 program:  • A presentation from Camas Ridge School (Astrid O’Hern).   • A report on the progress of Envision Eugene (Jon Belcher).

A “neighbor meeting neighbor” discussion (proposed by Bob Cassidy,) about making contact with renters and new neighbors, and including them in neighborhood activities. A motion was proposed to include a “neighbor to neighbor” exercise in the program; 5 voted in favor, 4 abstained.

Randy and Erik also proposed “Neighborhood Amenities that Define a Place.” Most people agreed that our neighborhood is defined by the Masonic Cemetery, and that there are not many other sites in the neighborhood that could be developed as defining places.

Newsletter items:

   Erik has written a “notable neighbors” article for the next issue.

   A compilation of census information about our neighborhood;

   Updates from Temple Beth Israel, Masonic Cemetery, Camas Ridge School;

   Paul Cauthorn on local businesses;

   Several paragraphs on Envision Eugene;

   Amazon as a “20-minute neighborhood”;

   Erik Muller on the work of the bike/pedestrian advisory group.

Marcy requested input on the newsletter, as well as for the livability committee. Bob asked for feedback on the EWEB/City Hall issue.

Next meeting: Wednesday, October 13, 2010.

Minutes submitted by Ann Muller

MINUTES July 14, 2010,
7PM, Amazon Community Center, Bldg. C
All Amazon Neighbors are welcome

ATTENDING: Erik Muller (facilitating), Jon Belcher, Connie Berglund, Bob Cassidy, Wilma Crowe, Tasker Houston, Ann Muller, Randy Prince, and Larry Robidoux – nine steering committee members.

AGENDA: approved
MINUTES: Minutes for the Steering Committee meeting of June 9th, 2010, were approved.


Jon brought an interesting handout on the Spectrum of Public Participation (from the International Association for Public Participation)

Bob shared the Natural Choice Directory as a good community resource.

Erik announced that the Neighborhood Matching Grant program has begun. We should publicize this opportunity as much as possible. The grant preview deadline is October 15th, and the final grant deadline is January 17th (for NLC members, the grant previews are due July 15th).


Tasker and Erik summarized planning for our Amazon Green Neighbors Bike Tour for Saturday, August 21st. The group tour will start mid-morning at Camas Ridge School near the south edge of our neighborhood, then move north in steps, visiting three or four other sites. Stops on the tour will demonstrate a range of sustainable practices, and each site host will give a presentation when our group arrives on their doorstep. Next planning session for the bike tour will be July 19th.

Randy reported on various Neighborhood Leadership Council (NLC) activities, including plans for a Neighborhood Summit – a training session for people serving on advisory committees. All neighborhood steering committee members are invited to attend the Neighborhood Summit (date to be announced).

Jon reported on Envision Eugene – the city’s program for sampling public opinion on how to accommodate their projection of local population growth. Three public meetings have been held, and a focus group of about 45 community members formed. 1000 Friends of Oregon has hired Eben Fodor to do an analysis of the Envision Eugene process. Randy noted that city planning for growth through densification -- Eugene’s infill planning process -- is not well-integrated with transportation planning. Erik suggested that land use efficiency could be linked to transportation planning by addressing this in the Bicycle/Pedestrian Master Plan.

Erik reported on the city’s Bicycle/Pedestrian Master Plan Toolkit, a survey sent out to neighborhood leaders, suggesting that our Bike/Ped Study Group prepare a response. Randy brought in his Google Earth program to demonstrate another way for us to gather neighborhood information as we consider ways to make Amazon and connecting neighborhoods more bicycle and pedestrian friendly.

Erik reported on web discussion forums:
    A. Our .org webmaster, Martha Osgood, asks if we’d like a moderated chat-listserve; Marcy Cauthorn suggests that if this is set up, it should be separated from announcements.
    B. is now on-line as another way for neighbors to chat.
A general discussion was held of these various ways to communicate. Jon suggested that we might recruit a student intern to look into this us; all voted in favor of Jon looking for an intern.

Erik reported on plans for our Summer Potluck, August 11th, 6-9PM at Amazon Community Center, and passed around a draft postcard announcing our event. $100 is available for food, which Thelma will arrange for; Connie will get beverages. Amazon Bike/Ped survey forms will be available for anyone wanting to share their ideas with us; we’ll have a drawing for door prizes, and an area for sharing any excess produce from our gardens.


We decided on November 10th as the date for our Fall General Meeting.

Erik will host a “Map Your Neighborhood” meeting at his house in the fall, and encouraged others to hold these very local disaster-preparedness gatherings – a way to enhance safety and build community at the same time. All that’s needed is the city-provided kit, and a DVD player.

Randy, through the NLC, is following the South Willamette business district revitalization effort; Jon is also involved, as a member of the Planning Commission. They will keep us informed on this issue.

Next meeting: Wednesday, September 8, 2010.

Minutes submitted by Tasker Houston

Amazon Neighbors Steering Committee
Minutes, June 9, 2010

7PM, Amazon Community Center, Bldg. C
All Amazon Neighbors are welcome to attend our monthly meetings.
Please see our calendar of events:

: Randy and Erik (co-facilitators,) Jon, Connie, Wilma, Tasker, Ann, Phyllis O’Neill (8 neighbors)

April minutes: approved.

Announcements and Reports:

Treasurer’s report: No change in account balance.

Bicycle/Pedestrian Study Group Report: Tasker passed out examples of the survey developed by the neighborhood study group. About 20 surveys were collected at the May General Meeting; survey forms will also be distributed at the Summer Potluck in August. The group is seeking input from bicyclists, pedestrians, and wheelchair users.

Land Use Planning: Jon briefed us on the progress of the city Land Use process to develop a comprehensive plan for urban growth. He handed out a useful sheet providing information about the Envision Eugene project. Three meetings for public participation have been scheduled, the last one to take place on June 23. After evaluating input from the public sessions, and from a community group, city staff will make proposals, which will go to the Planning Commission, and thence to the City Council for approval/disapproval/revision. The first step, assessment of land needs, has been completed, and the next step is to determine ways to use available land more efficiently. Rezoning? Nodal development? Jon welcomes feedback for the advisory committee on which he sits.

Bob also brought up the issue of EWEB selling water to Veneta, a proposal which the City Council is currently deliberating. Bob welcomes feedback for the EWEB commission.

Map Your Neighborhood: Randy introduced a new city program for emergency preparedness, “Map your neighborhood,” something less cumbersome than the previous CERT program. A training DVD is available (we watched a small segment,) as well as a well-designed instructional booklet. Discussion followed. The feasibility of organizing neighborhood meetings in Amazon is complicated by the fact that half our population is transient. Connie suggested that permanent residents be encouraged to “adopt” a rental or two, as she has done. We considered what would be an appropriate size and geographical range for a neighborhood group, as well as how we might promulgate the program. Randy and Carlos Barrera are cooperating on distribution of the booklets.  Randy can be reached at 541-345-3306, Carlos at 541-344-5599.

E-mail communications in the Amazon community: Erik reported that Martha Osgood still administers our email list and website. At present, there is no discussion function on our website. How, and should, this function be provided? How long is Martha willing to continue as moderator? What if it gets more complicated? Further discussion tabled until our next meeting.

Summer Potluck: The event is scheduled for Wednesday, August 11, at the Amazon Community Center. Although this is primarily a social event, information will be available about the Bicycle/Pedestrian Master Plan, and the Map Your Neighborhood initiative. Residents will be notified of the picnic by postcard. Further planning at our next meeting on July 14.

Sustainability Committee: Erik reported on preliminary planning for an Amazon Neighborhood sustainability bike tour. People are encouraged to phone or email (541-344-1053; with suggestions for sites to visit. He also reported on activities at Camas Ridge School, and progress on the school garden projects.

There will be no Recycling Day at TBI (Temple Beth Israel) this year. Erik offered to talk with Lisa Arkin about doing it next year.  Connie has had no response from TBI on the proposed Stream Team Project.

A request for suggestions for next month’s agenda yielded:
     1) Update on Envision Eugene; 2) Information on the “Neighbors’ Night Out” event, scheduled for Tuesday, Aug. 3.

Next Meeting: Wednesday, July 14.
Minutes submitted by Ann Muller.

MAY 2010 - We held a General Meeting
    There are no "minutes" but we will review how it was accepted.

MINUTES: April 14, 2010, 7PM,
Amazon Community Center, Bldg. C


Steering Committee members Erik Muller (facilitating), Connie Berglund, Bob Cassidy, Ann Muller, Wilma Crowe, Tasker Houston, Randy Prince, Larry Robidoux, Jon Belcher; Infill Compatibility Standards Working Group Rep. Sue Prichard; Neighborhood Sustainability Leader David Stucky (all Amazon Neighbors); Maggie Pecora and Pat Dopler ( guests).

AGENDA: approved

MINUTES: The minutes of the March10, 2010 Steering Committee meeting were approved.


1. Treasurer Bob Cassidy reported our current balance to be $295.

2. Co-Chair Erik Muller reported on the enjoyable activity of neighbors working together, coached by our BeeMaster David Stucky, to build beehives, find neighbors to host hives, and install honeybees their new homes around our neighborhood – including an exciting tale of following of swarm of bees and gathering them up for one of these new hives. For more on keeping neighborhood bees, see

3. Tasker Houston reported on activities of the recently formed Bicycle/Pedestrian Study Group. Paul Moore’s letter to the Mayor and City Council expressed our desire to contribute input to Eugene’s Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan, and to see that a well-crafted Master Plan for the city is implemented. A survey is being developed to gather information on the concerns of people who walk, bike, or use wheelchairs around our neighborhood.

4. Several community events coming up this spring were outlined by members: Connie Berglund reported briefly on our plans with Temple Beth Israel (TBI) for holding a Stream Team Sunday work party, and Erik gave an update on our collaboration with TBI for a Recycle/Reuse Day event.

5. David Stucky was confirmed as our Amazon representative to the Neighborhood Leadership Council (NLC) Sustainability Group. David is a leader in efforts to develop a neighborhood composting facility, as well as other collaborative projects for sustainable living. He brought our attention to NLC’s website,, as a place to find out what other neighborhoods are doing, and to post items on any aspect of sustainability.

II. APRIL TOPIC: Infill Compatibility Standards for the Amazon Neighborhood

This month’s topic was a progress report on Eugene’s evolving Infill Compatibility Standards (ICP) as they may affect the Amazon Neighborhood. Sue Prichard, our representative to the Infill Compatibility Standards (ICS) Working Group, gave us an overview of the work her group has been doing for the city.

Sue, with six other members of the Single Family Dwelling Infill Committee, has been helping to define specific infill issues for the city to address that would affect neighborhoods like ours with R-1 or other single family / duplex zoning standards. She passed out copies of the Single Dwelling Infill Draft Report, as well as lists of members of the several working groups, and a draft report on flag lot infill.

The Single Family Dwelling Infill Committee also identified several broad issues for the city to address concerning infill: Parking, Enforcement, Design Review, and Affordability. The committee urges further discussion of these issues, and follow-up on their ideas for incentives to promote good infill, as well as ideas on design review and alternative paths. General discussion followed, with many agreeing that enforcement of the current code would solve many infill problems.

Jon brought us up to date on the city planning process for accommodating growth – 31,000 people are projected to move here over the next 20 years.

Bob interjected a brief update on EWEB’s property sale plans for its land along the river.

Erik ended this section by suggesting that we read Sue’s material, and attend any city meetings on the infill issue.


1. Maggie Pecora, who works in adaptive recreation at Hilyard Center as well as running (with partner Pat Doplar) Top of the Hill Farm CSA in Cottage Grove, expressed the interest of Amazon and Hilyard Centers in partnering with Amazon Neighbors in a joint project involving a community greenhouse, garden, orchard, and food preservation site at Hilyard Center. Grants are available for alter-abled and food security resources. Erik suggested we consider a neighborhood matching grant for next year, and pass this item on to the sustainability committee.

2. Erik presented plans for next month’s General Meeting and Potluck, which will be on May 12, at the Amazon Community Center. There will be three areas of focus, with a presenter for each: Bicycle/Pedestrian Safety – Paul Moore, of Arrival by Bike; Energy Conservation – Sherry Wellborn, Climate Master; and Disaster Preparedness – Co-Chair Randy Prince.

3. Other brief announcements:

Erik reported that the newsletter is done. Randy suggested that we consider joining Eugene Neighborhood Inc. (requires no representative, and no fee) as it may give us better standing to receive grants.

Next Steering Committee meeting: June 9th, 7PM, Amazon Community Center, Bldg. C

Submitted by Tasker Houston

MARCH 10, 201


Wilma, Larry, Thelma, Connie, Randy, Erik, Ann, Tasker, Bob (9 steering committee members); Lindsay Selser (City of Eugene), Paul Moore, Mary Christensen, Mary Tegel, Joseph M. Geglia (journalism student), Kanyapak Wutarra (journalism student) (3 neighbors, 3 guests).

MINUTES: The minutes of the Jan. 13, 2010, steering committee meeting were approved.


Treasurer (Bob Cassidy): The expenditure of $135 for catered food for the Valentine’s potluck was approved, especially in view of the fact that the raffle took in $145. That amount was deposited in our account; the current balance is $295.09.

The Valentine’s potluck was attended by 45 people. We sent thank you notes to local businesses donating raffle items: Paul’s Bicycle Way of Life, Arriving By Bike, Bring, Humble Bagel, Sundance, Black Sun Books.

NLC (Randy Prince): The Feb. 23 meeting of NLC focused on LTD cutbacks and BRT Westside routing issues. Also, Randy and Carlos Barrera met with city employees to discuss setting up neighborhood emergency response management teams. There will be a 32-hr team-training session in April. Information about the CERT training is available on the city website.


Lindsay Selser, of the city transportation planning team, provided an overview of the plan, its purpose, parameters, process of development, etc., and discussed opportunities for public input. This project, funded by a grant from ODOT, will be a component of the new city TransPlan. It will focus on projects, infrastructure, and gaps in access. Lindsay was not able to answer all our questions, but indicated that the planning team would welcome any and all input, and wants to encourage public involvement.

There will be a Project Advisory Committee made up of no more than twelve community representatives. Erik asked about the application process.

There will be a project website.

Mary Tegel referred to a “gap analysis” of pedestrian amenities which had been done previously. She will send it to Lindsay.

Paul Moore would like to have related neighborhood meetings. He also proposed that we formulate a statement of support for the project, to present to the City Council, as a way of impressing upon them our support for and interest in the success of the project.

Randy proposed the formation of a Steering Committee sub-committee, a Bicycle-Pedestrian Study Group, to get started on our involvement. Paul, Connie, and Erik volunteered to be on it.


Erik reported on his discussions with Gina Tafoya regarding our priority for use of the Amazon Center space for all steering committee and general meetings. Amazon Neighbors are scheduled in the “game” room in Building C every second Wednesday; we are scheduled also at the Main Hall for the May 12 General Meeting and the August 11 Summer Potluck, both on second Wednesdays.

After some brainstorming, it was decided that the special topic for next month’s meeting would be Emergency Response, and for the May General Meeting it would be Sustainability.

NEWSLETTER: The deadline for newsletter items is April 1. Erik and Connie will work on this.

TBI MEETING: Jon, David Stuckey, and Erik attended the TBI sustainability committee meeting. Four programs were proposed:

1) The purchase of solar panels and their installation on a community basis

2) A community orchard

3) The adoption of a park/streamside to monitor the use of toxics

4) A reuse/recycle day on the TBI grounds

A fifth possibility is a neighborhood composting site. Connie suggested cleaning up the ash grove in Amazon Park, which could be coordinated with Stream Team for a June date.

The SC chose to support the TBI Recycle Day and the adoption of a streamside/park. Connie will look into planning a work party for the ash grove, including TBI.

SUSTAINABILITY COMMITTEE: David Stuckey’s letter, proposing a centralized composting facility, was passed around. SC agreed the planning stage for this project could go forward as part of the Amazon Sustainability Subcommittee.

EUGENE NEIGHBORS INC.: Randy reported. This organization, which has 501C3 status, includes 4 or 5 members of neighborhood organizations. Amazon Neighbors is not currently a member. The membership fee is being waived this year (and perhaps indefinitely.) Randy moved that we join, as it could prove useful in applying for non-city grants. Would membership require regular monthly representation at meetings? What are the responsibilities of membership? The discussion was tabled, with a request for more information.

CIVIC STADIUM: A motion was passed to forward to 4-J a brief statement of our support for the preservation of Civic Stadium.


JANUARY 13, 2010

I. Routine Business

Co-Chairs Randy Prince (facilitator) and Erik Muller, Treasurer Bob Cassidy, Cookie Provider Wilma Crowe, Co-Event Planners Ann Muller and Thelma Robidoux, Infill Compatibility Standards Working Group Rep. Sue Prichard, Newsletter Editor Marcy Cauthorn, Steering Committee members Connie Berglund, Larry Robidoux, Linda Lu, Jon Belcher, and Tasker Houston (12 neighbors); Caroline Jacobs, Malcolm Wilson, and Allen Hancock (three guests)

Agenda approved

Minutes of the 12/09/09 Steering Committee meeting approved


1. Erik announced a Design Charrette with Pivot Architecture and UO DesignBridge students offering plans to the public and welcoming input on the proposed Outdoor Classroom and Butterfly Garden at Camas Ridge Elementary School. It will be on Thursday, Jan. 21, at 6:30PM in the school cafeteria.

2. Bob gave a succinct Treasurer’s Report, announcing no change for this month.

3. Randy announced that the Neighborhood Leadership Council (NLC) had decided not to follow the plan for Strategic Neighborhood Action Plans (SNAPS). He also announced a call for someone to represent Amazon Neighbors on the Neighborhood Empowerment Initiative (NEI) to act as our neighborhood liaison in a proposed monthly meeting with city staff and representatives of all the Eugene neighborhood associations.

II. January’s Topic: The 5 Person Rule

What is it? Caroline Jacobs of the South University Neighborhood Association (SUNA) described the 5 Person Rule in the Eugene City Code as stating that no more than 5 unrelated people may inhabit a dwelling unit. SUNA neighbors have used the rule as a tool to defend against repeated noise and other disturbances coming from particular dwellings. Caroline shared with us several instances where neighbors lodged complaints based on violations of the 5 Person Rule, and also described where to find and how to fill out a complaint form to ensure that the city will take action.

General discussion followed Caroline’s introduction, as to whether or not the 5 Person Rules makes sense currently. Allen Hancock, a SUNA member, offered his perspective that five unrelated people living together would be no more likely to disturb the peace than five relatives living together.

There was general agreement that excessive noise and other unneighborly behaviors were the concern, and that the 5 Person Rule may not be the most direct or fair way to address this concern. SUNA neighbor Malcolm Wilson described his method of keeping watch over his local neighborhood, use of the complaint process, and the improvements that resulted from one person taking action. Sue noted that talking directly with the offending person is the first step to take. Caroline emphasized the need to get our complaints on file with the city, and also urged us to make our complaints known to Karen Hyatt of UO Community Relations.

Sue brought us an update from the Infill Compatibility Standards Working Group, with recommendations on the enforcement of existing code in an issue paper to be reviewed by the city council. Erik suggested that the infill issue could be the topic for our March meeting.

III. Planning, Discussion, Work

1. Riverfront Research Park Land Use Concerns
Allen Hancock , representing Connecting Eugene, a group of UO students, faculty, and other citizens concerned with city land use decisions, spoke about the university’s plans to build a private office building with a massive parking lot in the currently undeveloped western end of the Riverfront Research Park. This would close off the possibility of using Alder St. as a safe route for bicycles to the river paths, and would further reduce our treasured green space along the Willamette River. A public hearing to consider Connecting Eugene’s appeal of this serious land use decision will be held on Jan.20th at 5PM in the city council chambers at 777 Pearl St.

Bob added that EWEB also has plans to build on its land, just west of the site the university wants to develop. A public hearing on this will be happening soon; those wanting to know more could contact Bob for more detailed information.

2. February General Meeting and Potluck
Erik presented plans for next month’s general meeting, which will be a Valentine Potluck on Weds, Feb. 10th, at 1150 E. 29th in the Camas Ridge Elementary School cafeteria. All Amazon neighborhood residents are welcome to join us for an evening of fun, food, and friends. There will be a raffle, as well as activities for children. Ann will check out the cafeteria and its resources, Jon will get party-packs from the city, Marci will make an announcement to deliver throughout the neighborhood, and Randy will check with the school district about locking up the school after our party.  Erik plans to talk with city staffer Mike Kinnison about securing a permanent meeting site at the Amazon Community Center.

3. Update on the Neighborhood Enhancement Initiative (NEI)
Randy briefly summarized progress on forming the NEI. This proposed Neighborhood Enhancement Committee, to include representatives of each of the Eugene Neighborhood Associations and city staffers, does not currently have the momentum to start up. Only three or four neighborhoods have pledged to attend a monthly committee meeting. Linda noted that the city’s requirement that neighborhood reps. sign a confidentiality agreement may be dampening enthusiasm.

Next Steering Committee meeting: Wednesday, March 10, 7PM
Submitted by Tasker Houston

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