Amazon Neighborhood Association

24th to 30th Avenues
Amazon Park to Agate Street
Eugene, Oregon




Amazon Neighbors are welcome to join us for
Steering Committee meetings
Second Wednesdays 7-8:30pm at Amazon Community Center 

Amazon Neighbors Steering Committee
Minutes, December 10, 2008

Attending: Alden Gray, Bob Cassidy, Randy Prince (facilitator), Linda Lu, Erik Muller (minutes), Jon Belcher, Connie Berglund (7 neighbors)

Minutes: November minutes were reviewed and accepted without change.
Erik distributed an Amazon Calendar of meetings/socials and the list of volunteers for our committee’s work areas.

         Treasurer: Bob reported that our US Bank balance is $144.10. We still pay $2 for each check we write, so Bob consolidates items for each check or withdraws cash to reimburse people.
         Bob wants us to think about how to raise funds for Amazon Neighbors. We should have a contribution can at every neighborhood function and announce its purpose.

         Sustainability: Erik said the NLC Sustainability Committee will have a booth at the Green Home Show, January 23-25, and it will link green concepts to neighborhood programs. The NLC committee is also developing a speakers bureau, and four panels are planned for the Home Show. We should attend and also help staff the booth.
         Erik moved and it was seconded that Amazon Neighbors contribute $25 to help the NLC Sustainability Committee to pay for printing for the Home Show. The motion failed because of the arguments that the NLC had already voted to give funds and because our group has no way presently to replenish what we spend.
         Our Amazon Sustainability Subcommittee is making contacts with Harris-Eastside School, to recruit neighbors for an Amazon Garden Brigade, to identify an experienced composter to help the school set up its composting of garden and cafeteria wastes, and to help link the school, Temple Beth Israel, and Amazon Neighborhood for sustainable projects. Volunteers are needed for each of these activities.

         Infill: Randy summarized the e-mail from Sue Prichard, our representative and now co-chair of the Infill Compatibility Standards Working Group. Once the group’s proposals are formulated, neighborhood meetings will provide a chance for discussion. One issue is the tension between getting compatible infill and the pressure to expand the urban growth boundary. We acknowledge and applaud Sue’s dedicated and time-consuming work.

         Reach CUP: Jon reported on the Reach hearing for its application for a conditional use permit, which he and Connie attended. Connie canvassed neighbors about the CUP.
“Community center” is still undefined, and the CUP, if approved, will define allowable uses for every subsequent owner of the property. Our concerns about noise, parking, and intensity of use need to be expressed as requirements, not suggestions, and with established dates for compliance. With more time yet to respond, Jon is sending further comments to the hearing officer.
Valentine Potluck: In discussing this potluck, several program ideas surfaced, some suitable for the spring general meeting: presentation by a Schnitzer Museum representative, Willama native grass for yards project, Eugene Police on car crashes, prevention and investigation.
         The date we prefer is Wednesday, February 11. Erik will check on date and reserving of Amazon Main Hall, and begin work with Melissa on an announcement flier.
         We will have a potluck supper, with a purchased main dish (Jon, Ann & Thelma?). We will have a sign-in table, for name tags and drawings (Connie). We will have door prizes and a raffle if suitable items can be secured (Lu, Erik, Wilma?). We might have music (Randy). And we will have a Valentine card making corner (Erik or Schnitzer representative). Did we have volunteers for getting Duraware? Beverages?
         Further planning at our January meeting.
(Note: Since this meeting, the potluck has been scheduled for Monday, February 9, Amazon Community Center Main Hall, 6-9.)

January meeting & agenda:
         Continue Valentine Potluck planning
         Explore fund raising ideas
         Hear Reach CUP report
         Identify Spring General Meeting Topic—traffic & crime issues?       
         Invite Schnitzer representative to SC meeting or to Valerntine Potluck to organize card corner?
         Refine draft of Neighborhood Letter
         Civic Stadium involvement

Our next SC meeting is January 14, at Amazon Community Center, 7pm.
We will meet in the smaller meeting room in the south building, since our usual meeting place is full of looms!



Amazon Neighbors Executive Board Minutes
September 10, 2008

Attendees: Wilma Crowe, Erik Muller, Bob Cassidy, Ann Muller, Randy Prince,  Linda Lu, Jon Belcher (board members)
Connie Berglund,  Mary Ann Peterson, Jared Rubin, Geni Murrow,  Charlie Magee, Mary Tegel  (neighbors)  13 total
Bess Blacouiere (guest)

Minutes: July minutes approved without correction


  • Volunteers requested to attend Pemaculture Guild meeting

  • Neighborhood Summit Subcommittee report.

  • Energy Conservation Roundtable announced

Reach Center Conditional Use Permit  CU-08-002 :
Geni Murrow ( and Charley McGee have purchased the site at 2520 Harris Street and hope to receive a Conditional Use Permit for the site as a “Neighborhood Activity Center”. A letter from attorney David Adkins was distributed.  It was stated that parking needs would be met with parking at the Very Little Theater (disputed by Connie Berglund). Carol Schirmer is the planner hired by the owners. Bess Blacquiere , a realtor and friend of the owners argued for the project, stating alternate uses would be more onerous. Concerns were raised about current residential use, one of the owners stated that the current residents include two of her  children and their friends.  Concerns were raised over noise issues. Lu regretted that the site wasn’t redeveloped as a retirement center.

Harris Elementary School:
Mary Tegel reported her near-miss of a Harris Elementary School student who darted into University street from between two cars on. in front of the school.  She suggested that bulb-outs are needed. It was noted that Harris Elementary has many new students, many outside our Neighborhood – who are transported to school by auto.  Erik Muller suggested that Mary be appointed as liaison between Amazon Neighbors and the school. Options discussed included requesting radar guns and/or automated speed-reader boards from the city and extending the no-parking zone on University St. The Safe Routes to Schools program may be another resource. Mary was appointed liaison.


Garden tour:
Lu expressed concerns about “Co-opting” of the tour by one of the leaders. Guarding the approx. 35 bikes sidelined Erik. Thanks to Rebecca Matsumoto for organizing the tour.

Bob Cassady suggested including corn on the cob. Contributions were discussed. Mary noted that the picnic helps us reach additional neighbors. Lu passed her picnic materials and responsibility to the next organizer.

NLC Report:
The newsletter process has been revamped – less turnaround time as editorial responsibility shifts to ‘hoods.  West University Neighbors are seeing more use of the needed housing path for land use approvals.  There will be a NLC booth at the Eugene Celebration.  There will be matching grant bus tours – Erik and Ann plan to attend.  The NLC sustainability committee participated in our annual picnic, 31 folks completed their survey.

Temple Beth Israel:
Jared Rubin, representing the Temple, expressed their desire to reach out to the Neighborhood. He offered tours, meeting space and the opportunity to collaborate on events. We can connect through their office or by contacting Jared.  Connie is writing a welcoming article for the newsletter.

Matching Grants:
A new cycle has begun. Currently we are in pre-check period. Applications are due by  1/30/2009.

New Neighbors letter:
Eric circulated a letter written by Whitey Lueck welcoming new neighbors (especially students).  Jon agreed to seek a previous similar letter to see if they can be combined. 

Next General Meeting:
We agreed to pursue a Mayoral Candidates and Police Auditor Charter amendment focused meeting on October 22nd. A motion was made to invite Charles Dalton and anyone opposed to speak to the charter amendment and have the mayoral candidates speak to the issue. It passed with Jon voting no. The program will start with Neighborhood board elections and Alan Zelinka will be invited.  Neighbors willing to serve on the board include: Bob Cassidy, Erik and Ann Muller, Wilma Crowe, Randy Prince, Lu and Jon Belcher.  Desserts will be part of the meeting.

Next Meeting:
It was proposed that we discuss Civic Stadium and whether the Board should adopt a position.
Jon will report on the status of the Land Use application.

Amazon Garden Tour of August 23, 2008

With over 40 people in the tour, we still kept to our schedule, enjoying refreshments and good company, as well as the garden hosts' generous welcomes & explanations. The gardens we visited were thrilling on many levels, provoking discussions and thought about sustainability, ease of maintenance (including no grass), greywater systems, use of space, beauty, and opportunities for food crops to share. A special thank you to Rebecca Masumoto, who was instrumental (ok, irreplaceable) in planning this event.

Summer Picnic August 13, 2008

Wasn't that a good one!! Our Amazon Picnic last evening was quite a success. Sixty participants showed up (50 neighbors). Everyone pitched in for a sense of relaxation and plenty.

We especially appreciated the addition of three elements made possible by city neighborhood funds:
     the circus arts folk were very good at engaging children and
           blending into the programless event
     the durable wares and recycling bins made this our greenest picnic, and
           complemented our sustainability table. Both elements added a lot
     and the addition more to our main dishes: this time Poppi Cottam
           (the originator of Poppi's and our neighbor) prepared chicken
           and spanokopita!

There were great door prizes, useful sustainability table (Jan & Jon got a bunch of surveys done for Kathy Saranpa and the NLC Sustainability Committee), lots of great food (thanks to Thelma for lining up Poppi as well as MC-ing with Randy). Connie was a great greeter and monitor of the food tables. Jon did great "green" service with the city's durable wares and recycling containers. Rebecca has established the sites for the August 23 yard/garden tour.

Thanks too for the many gifted "chairpersons" (tablers, too) during clean up! It leaves a good feeling!

Steering Committee meets September 10.

Amazon Neighbors Steering Committee, Minutes, July 9, 2008

Attending: Linda Lu, Ann Muller, Wilma Crowe, Erik Muller, Connie Johnston, Connie Berglund, Randy Prince, Bob Cassidy, Thelma Soderquist, Larry Robidoux (10 Neighbors).

Introductions/Minutes: June minutes were approved.

Announcements: Erik shared Isaac’s request for people to be interviewed by the consultants evaluating the Neighborhood Services Program. There were no volunteers. Erik reported on John Ruiz’s Listening Forum at Amazon Community Center. Erik suggested that the University be seated at the NLC table as a neighborhood, as currently the University is not seated at the table of any ongoing neighborhood meetings.
      Bob attended a transportation meeting for West Eugene.

Treasurer’s Report:
Bob reported a balance of $144.10.

Neighborhood Leaders Council Report: Randy reported on a host of NLC discussion themes: Food for Lane County, consultant for evaluating Neighborhood Services, growing formal link between NLC & EWEB, NLC Street Maintenance Committee, upcoming survey to determine summit themes, July 27 Friendly St. Picnic (all welcome).

Matching Grants Report: Erik said Michael Kinnison provided greater explanation for the failure to fund the “Amazon Beautification” proposal and indicated that guidelines and evaluations would be clearer in the upcoming round, which opens August 1, with pre-reviews by November 14, and final applications due January 30, 2009.

25th & Harris Update: Both Larry and Connie B. indicated more needed to be determined about the status of a land use application from the old church property. Larry said the initial application was turned back with a request for further information. Jon Belcher is also investigating and will be responding to neighbor Larry Baurer’s concerns.

Sustainability report: Erik said the NLC Sustainability Committee was as new as the Amazon Sustainability Subcommittee, yet it had committed to forming a speakers’ bureau and to staffing information tables at summer events. Our Amazon group is testing a survey to determine garden/gleaning interests and is organizing an Amazon Yard/Garden Tour with a sustainability focus. We agreed to have a sustainability table at the August 13 Amazon Picnic.

Discussion followed: date & time, Saturday August 23, 10-1, after the August 13 Amazon picnic, publicity at the picnic, postings, newspaper spots. Members of the subcommittee will further organize the event.

Bob mentioned that EWEB chief Randy Berger had some funds for energy saving projects.
Randy wondered if Flexcar could be lured to Eugene/Springfield.

Summer Potluck Planning: Poppi Cottam will be contacted about preparing some main dish(es) with a vegetarian option.
       We reviewed planning for:
            labels for guests and dishes (Connie B.)
            door prizes (Wilma, Lu, Erik, others?)
            confirmation of Main Hall/kitchen and tables/chairs (Erik, confirmed 7-10)
            confirmation of circus arts (Erik)
            obtaining duraware and recycling bins (Jon)
            bringing paper goods (Wilma, Ann)
            setting up donation can (Bob)
            providing sign-in/labels/chances on door prizes (Connie B.)
            MCing for door prize drawing, brief announcements about tour (Thelma)
            setting up sustainability table (Erik)
            checking on Melissa’s progress on flier (Erik)
***Please note what tasks are yours!
Fall Meeting & Newsletter: The fall General Meeting might be later than our regularly scheduled October Steering Committee meeting, maybe October 22? Close to the election but not so that ballots have been already sent in, and focused on election topics? Randy and Connie B. will begin rounding up articles for the fall newsletter as well as developing an agenda for the general meeting.
    Some newsletter ideas: Connie’s welcoming the congregation to its new temple, temple update, cemetery call for stories (rerun), a profile by Whitey, other?

Thank you: Wilma for cookies, Randy for facilitating, to all for strong attendance at a summer meeting!

June 11, 2008,
Minutes of Amazon Neighbors Steering Committee

Attending: 11 Neighbors. SC Members: Erik (facilitator,) Ann (minutes,) Thelma, Larry, Bob, Jon, Randy, Lu. Others: Sue, Connie, Paul Moore, Ann Delaney, Patricia Thomas, Isaac Markehe.

Minutes and notes from the May 14 General Meeting were distributed, as well as notes from the Amazon Neighbors Sustainability Subcommittee meetings.

Agenda items:

Patricia Thomas and Ann Delaney from City Planning presented a proposal for the participation of Amazon Neighbors in an Opportunity Siting Exercise. The city’s procedure for opportunity siting is in the process of being developed. Neighborhood support is an essential element, and the city will require the cooperation of one or two neighborhood organizations to help them construct a workable procedure. After considerable discussion of the appropriateness of our neighborhood for this process, restrictions of the city’s timeline, etc., Erik moved to participate in the exercise, seconded by Jon, with an amendment specifying that our participation be limited to the exercise alone, with no commitment to the actual designation of an appropriate site. The vote of the 8 present steering committee members was split 4-4, and the proposal was rejected.

Isaac Markehe, manager of Neighborhood Services, had several things to offer, including a comfortable (upholstered) meeting space in the NS office in the Atrium building.
Also, information about the upgraded land use notification system: contact Mike Kinnison to get on a list to learn about land use applications, specified by neighborhood. The city will provide booths and announcements for neighborhood organizations to publicize themselves at Concerts in the Park (the date for the Amazon Park concert is July 17.)
Last but not least, recycling kits of durable utensils for neighborhood events are available for checkout at Neighborhood Services.

Summer Potluck planning:

The event is tentatively scheduled for August 13, from 6-8 pm. (5:30 set-up time.) Erik will check with the scheduler, to make sure the space is available.
We have $200 from the city to spend on the year’s social events, roughly half to be spent on the August potluck. Thelma will contact Poppy Cottam about preparing chicken and Greek salad.

Connie will help with set-up and take-down. Bob will do reimbursements. Erik will get information to Melissa for the flyer, including the neighborhood website address. Lu will bring tablecloths and flowers.

An effort will be make to have door-prizes, as we did last year, and to encourage folks to bring excess garden produce to share.

Isaac mentioned that the city can also provide “circus arts” entertainment, and it was agreed that that would be an excellent addition to the event.

There will be further potluck planning at the next SC meeting on July 9.

Sue Prichard reported on the work of the Infill Compatibility Standards committee. The group expects to have prepared preliminary recommendations by September, and the Public Outreach subcommittee will make presentations of conceptual proposals to neighborhood groups.

Bob Cassidy gave a brief treasurer’s report. There will be no change in our banking system at this time. He also reported that the neighborhood matching grant application to repair the roadway surface on the “26th Ave” connector between Emerald and Onyx Sts. was rejected on the basis of “inadequate community involvement.”

Jon Belcher reported that the sustainability subcommittee has prepared a draft form for the neighborhood survey.

Erik reported on issues discussed at recent NLC meetings:
EWEB and its receptiveness and response to neighborhood input. Bob Cassidy, recently elected as an EWEB commissioner, is planning to attend meetings in all the neighborhoods in his EWEB district.

The next neighborhood summit will take place in January or February 2009. Neighborhoods will be polled about what themes they would like to see addressed.

The city-wide NLC sustainability committee will meet in July; there will be an online survey about neighborhood services.

Larry brought up the issue of noise from the Hayward Field loudspeakers during the Olympic Trials (and other events.) He will investigate what might be done to alleviate the problem, and will also contact South University NA about this.

The topic of Civic Stadium preservation was briefly mentioned.

Finally, Connie reported that her one-woman welcome to the neighborhood on the occasion of the dedication of the new synagogue was warmly and gratefully received.

The next Steering Committee meeting will take place on July 9, 7 pm, in the Main Hall of Amazon Community Center, NOT in Studio B.

Submitted by Ann Muller

Amazon Neighbors Steering Committee, Minutes, July 9, 2008

Attending: Linda Lu, Ann Muller, Wilma Crowe, Erik Muller, Connie Johnston, Connie Berglund, Randy Prince, Bob Cassidy, Thelma Soderquist, Larry Robidoux (10 Neighbors).

Introductions/Minutes: June minutes were approved.

Announcements: Erik shared Isaac’s request for people to be interviewed by the consultants evaluating the Neighborhood Services Program. There were no volunteers. Erik reported on John Ruiz’s Listening Forum at Amazon Community Center. Erik suggested that the University be seated at the NLC table as a neighborhood, as currently the University is not seated at the table of any ongoing neighborhood meetings.
            Bob attended a transportation meeting for West Eugene.

Treasurer’s Report:
Bob reported a balance of $144.10.

Neighborhood Leaders Council Report: Randy reported on a host of NLC discussion themes: Food for Lane County, consultant for evaluating Neighborhood Services, growing formal link between NLC & EWEB, NLC Street Maintenance Committee, upcoming survey to determine summit themes, July 27 Friendly St. Picnic (all welcome).

Matching Grants Report: Erik said Michael Kinnison provided greater explanation for the failure to fund the “Amazon Beautification” proposal and indicated that guidelines and evaluations would be clearer in the upcoming round, which opens August 1, with pre-reviews by November 14, and final applications due January 30, 2009.

25th & Harris Update: Both Larry and Connie B. indicated more needed to be determined about the status of a land use application from the old church property. Larry said the initial application was turned back with a request for further information. Jon Belcher is also investigating and will be responding to neighbor Larry Baurer’s concerns.

Sustainability report: Erik said the NLC Sustainability Committee was as new as the Amazon Sustainability Subcommittee, yet it had committed to forming a speakers’ bureau and to staffing information tables at summer events. Our Amazon group is testing a survey to determine garden/gleaning interests and is organizing an Amazon Yard/Garden Tour with a sustainability focus. We agreed to have a sustainability table at the August 13 Amazon Picnic.

Discussion followed: date & time, Saturday August 23, 10-1, after the August 13 Amazon picnic, publicity at the picnic, postings, newspaper spots. Members of the subcommittee will further organize the event.

Bob mentioned that EWEB chief Randy Berger had some funds for energy saving projects.
Randy wondered if Flexcar could be lured to Eugene/Springfield.

Summer Potluck Planning: Poppi Cottam will be contacted about preparing some main dish(es) with a vegetarian option.
       We reviewed planning for:
            labels for guests and dishes (Connie B.)
            door prizes (Wilma, Lu, Erik, others?)
            confirmation of Main Hall/kitchen and tables/chairs (Erik, confirmed 7-10)
            confirmation of circus arts (Erik)
            obtaining duraware and recycling bins (Jon)
            bringing paper goods (Wilma, Ann)
            setting up donation can (Bob)
            providing sign-in/labels/chances on door prizes (Connie B.)
            MCing for door prize drawing, brief announcements about tour (Thelma)
            setting up sustainability table (Erik)
            checking on Melissa’s progress on flier (Erik)
***Please note what tasks are yours!

Fall Meeting & Newsletter: The fall General Meeting might be later than our regularly scheduled October Steering Committee meeting, maybe October 22? Close to the election but not so that ballots have been already sent in, and focused on election topics? Randy and Connie B. will begin rounding up articles for the fall newsletter as well as developing an agenda for the general meeting.
            Some newsletter ideas: Connie’s welcoming the congregation to its new temple, temple update, cemetery call for stories (rerun), a profile by Whitey, other?

Thank you: Wilma for cookies, Randy for facilitating, to all for strong attendance at a summer meeting!

June 11, 2008,
Minutes of Amazon Neighbors Steering Committee

Attending: 11 Neighbors. SC Members: Erik (facilitator,) Ann (minutes,) Thelma, Larry, Bob, Jon, Randy, Lu. Others: Sue, Connie, Paul Moore, Ann Delaney, Patricia Thomas, Isaac Markehe.

Minutes and notes from the May 14 General Meeting were distributed, as well as notes from the Amazon Neighbors Sustainability Subcommittee meetings.

Agenda items:

Patricia Thomas and Ann Delaney from City Planning presented a proposal for the participation of Amazon Neighbors in an Opportunity Siting Exercise. The city’s procedure for opportunity siting is in the process of being developed. Neighborhood support is an essential element, and the city will require the cooperation of one or two neighborhood organizations to help them construct a workable procedure. After considerable discussion of the appropriateness of our neighborhood for this process, restrictions of the city’s timeline, etc., Erik moved to participate in the exercise, seconded by Jon, with an amendment specifying that our participation be limited to the exercise alone, with no commitment to the actual designation of an appropriate site. The vote of the 8 present steering committee members was split 4-4, and the proposal was rejected.

Isaac Markehe, manager of Neighborhood Services, had several things to offer, including a comfortable (upholstered) meeting space in the NS office in the Atrium building.
Also, information about the upgraded land use notification system: contact Mike Kinnison to get on a list to learn about land use applications, specified by neighborhood. The city will provide booths and announcements for neighborhood organizations to publicize themselves at Concerts in the Park (the date for the Amazon Park concert is July 17.)
Last but not least, recycling kits of durable utensils for neighborhood events are available for checkout at Neighborhood Services.

Summer Potluck planning:

The event is tentatively scheduled for August 13, from 6-8 pm. (5:30 set-up time.) Erik will check with the scheduler, to make sure the space is available.
We have $200 from the city to spend on the year’s social events, roughly half to be spent on the August potluck. Thelma will contact Poppy Cottam about preparing chicken and Greek salad.
Connie will help with set-up and take-down. Bob will do reimbursements. Erik will get information to Melissa for the flyer, including the neighborhood website address. Lu will bring tablecloths and flowers.
An effort will be make to have door-prizes, as we did last year, and to encourage folks to bring excess garden produce to share.
Isaac mentioned that the city can also provide “circus arts” entertainment, and it was agreed that that would be an excellent addition to the event.
There will be further potluck planning at the next SC meeting on July 9.

Sue Prichard reported on the work of the Infill Compatibility Standards committee. The group expects to have prepared preliminary recommendations by September, and the Public Outreach subcommittee will make presentations of conceptual proposals to neighborhood groups.

Bob Cassidy gave a brief treasurer’s report. There will be no change in our banking system at this time. He also reported that the neighborhood matching grant application to repair the roadway surface on the “26th Ave” connector between Emerald and Onyx Sts. was rejected on the basis of “inadequate community involvement.”

Jon Belcher reported that the sustainability subcommittee has prepared a draft form for the neighborhood survey.

Erik reported on issues discussed at recent NLC meetings:
EWEB and its receptiveness and response to neighborhood input. Bob Cassidy, recently elected as an EWEB commissioner, is planning to attend meetings in all the neighborhoods in his EWEB district.
The next neighborhood summit will take place in January or February 2009. Neighborhoods will be polled about what themes they would like to see addressed. The city-wide NLC sustainability committee will meet in July; there will be an online survey about neighborhood services.

Larry brought up the issue of noise from the Hayward Field loudspeakers during the Olympic Trials (and other events.) He will investigate what might be done to alleviate the problem, and will also contact South University NA about this.

The topic of Civic Stadium preservation was briefly mentioned.

Finally, Connie reported that her one-woman welcome to the neighborhood on the occasion of the dedication of the new synagogue was warmly and gratefully received.

The next Steering Committee meeting will take place on July 9, 7 pm, in the Main Hall of Amazon Community Center, NOT in Studio B.

Submitted by Ann Muller

Notes from Amazon Neighbors General Meeting,
May 14, 2008

The theme of this meeting, which was attended by 25 people, was “How can we meet our food needs closer to home?” The agenda included three panelists, a discussion led by the Amazon Sustainability Committee, and a chance to indicate “favorite potholes” on a neighborhood map.

The panel:
Chris Girard, City of Eugene, Parks & Open Space
, described the city’s Community Garden program. 6 sites, 303 garden spaces. More budget would increase the numbers of sites; the program’s current budget is stretched thin. More gardens could be situated in more neighborhoods, reducing car trips. Also the parking strips are usable as gardens as long as they did not obstruct views of the traffic.

Kevin Jones, Full Circle Community Farm, spoke to the uses and variety of Community Supported Agriculture (CSA). He encouraged long-term relationships between farmers and consumers, support of local organic farmers, and the exploration of models for economic exchange. The Lane County Food Directory identifies CSAs and programs such as “That’s My Farmer” and “Eat Here Now.”

Ann Kneeland and Peter Reppe are Amazon neighbors who have worked to make their yard into a more varied and productive space. They showed slides of their gardening, fruit trees, water catchment, and general conversion of their urban yardspace.

Brainstorming Sustainable Program Ideas: Jon Belcher led brainstorming/discussion of a list of possible programs for Amazon. Ideas were added, with the purpose of implementing some of them this growing season. See notes from May 29, Amazon Sustainability Subcommittee (above).

Pothole Mapping: John Belcher had prepared a neighborhood map and invited us to put dots by potholes we thought needed fixing.

Notes by Erik Muller, 6-06

Amazon Neighbors Steering Committee Minutes
April 9, 2008

Attending: 11 Neighbors. SC Members: Randy (facilitator), Erik (minutes), Jon, Lu, Bob, Thelma, Ann. Others: Connie, Peter Reppe, Ann Kneeland, Paul Moore.

March minutes approved. Thank you, Jon.

Paul Moore reported that the “Walk & Roll Willamette” program will open Willamette Street to bikes and pedestrians from 9-2, on 4th Sundays in July, August, and September. Also, Paul urged us to contact Council to approve no Crest Drive plan without provisions for bicycle riders.

Connie reported that the Congregational Church will celebrate Arbor Day with plantings.

Erik reported that the Neighborhood Leaders Council requests our thoughts about road repairs (Mayor Piercy’s request), the next neighborhood summit, and our interest in helping the Opportunity Task Team develop their surveying process.

Bob reported a balance of $146.10 in our account. He raised a concern about the cost of using checks versus buying a box of checks. Bob will bring his recommendation next time.

Bob reported on the review of our application for a matching grant, Neighborhood Beautification Project (involving filling potholes on 26th between Onyx & Emerald).

Randy reported the approval of a grant to provide signs for Amazon and Rexius running trails. Amazon had sponsored this request, though the trails are not within Amazon.

Jon reported on the Neighborhood Empowerment Committee. Report from city staff touched on:
~~~~~streets safe for pedestrians
~~~~~traffic calming (with a small 30k yearly budget)
~~~~~neighborhood event guide from Isaac (passed around for viewing)
~~~~~next neighborhood summit

Bob reported that the Masonic Cemetery Sesquicentennial grant was being reviewed favorably. Erik reported that a landscaping work party, our match for last year’s Cemetery grant, would occur April 13, 12:30-4.

Sustainable Amazon
Randy opened discussion by pointing out that food sustainability was being addressed at three levels: Community Supported Agriculture, Community Gardens, neighbor gardens.

A survey of neighborhood gardening/gleaning/etc. was circulated. Questions about implementation and liability were asked. Jon asked if we could start soon in sharing food and gardening knowledge. A quick list of interrelated items followed:
~~~~~get something going soon on neighborhood level
~~~~~raise bicycle awareness and action
~~~~~help direct timing/subject of next summit
~~~~~create an electronic clearinghouse
~~~~~focus May meeting program
~~~~~organize neighborhood tour of best practices
~~~~~consult Light Treaders
~~~~~consult Mayor’s Sustainability Committee
To pull these suggestions together and to present some practical steps for how neighbors might implement sustainability or to poll opinion at the May 14 General Meeting, it was moved, seconded, and passed that we form a Sustainability Committee. Jon, Erik, Peter, and Ann K. volunteered.
Erik circulated “How Can We Meet Our Needs Closer To Home?”

Neighborhood Summit
The Neighborhood Leaders Council wants ideas from each neighborhood.
We suggest the following:
~~~~~focus on a few issues
~~~~~include sustainability
~~~~~plan for December/February
~~~~~keep it open, a la the Second Bicycle Summit: dispense with staff reports, allow participants to brainstorm and create, resolve to act

May 14 General Meeting Plans
~~~~~Dessert potluck, beverages (Lu)
~~~~~Amazon Neighbors Report (Erik)
~~~~~Panel of three-four presenters (Erik)
~~~~~CSA/Community Gardens/Green Neighbor Yard
~~~~~Neighborhood Food Actions (Sustainability Committee)
~~~~~Street Repair Poll (Jon)

Opportunity Citing Test Neighborhood
After divided discussion, we agreed to notify Patricia Thomas that Amazon Neighbors would consider becoming the test neighborhood for developing process if 1) no other neighborhood were forthcoming, and 2) we got approval at the next General Meeting (not May, but the fall).

Next SC Meeting June 11: Consider street repair, Bob’s recommendation about checks

Amazon Steering Committee
Minutes of March 12, 2008

Steering Committee: Eric Muller, Ann Muller, Randy Prince, Wilma Crowe, Linda Lu, Randy Prince, Bob Cassidy, Larry Robidoux, Jon Belcher
Neighbors:  Sue Prichard  (10 neighbors total)
Others: Alan Zelenka (City Councilor Ward 3)

Lu reported that Haliana’s house is for sale – she is looking for a villager to buy.

Carlos Barerra (Friendly Area Neighbors) urged attendance at the Eugene Police Dept. Awards – Eric attended.

Mike Kinnison of the Eugene City Neighborhood Program is mailing notices of land use applications to each affected Neighborhood.

A representative to the Neighborhood Empowerment Initiative, a City committee, is needed. Jon Belcher volunteered.

Report from our city councilor – Alan Zelenka:
City Manager – Alan related the qualifications and the selection process for Jon Ruiz.
Olympic Trials – Alan suggested that we invite the Olympic Trial Committee Chair to a meeting.
U of O Basketball Arena – Alan recounted the issues, including traffic from 60 to 100 events annually within a 12,500 capacity venue.
McKenzie Willamette Hospital – There are 3 potential sites in Eugene.
Alder Commons – A seven story 212 bedroom building is proposed for the NE corner of 19th and Agate.  It is a permitted use but neighbors feel it is out of scale with the predominately single story neighborhood.
Gasoline Tax Referral – didn’t receive enough referral signatures to get on the ballot.
West Broadway Development – Council directed staff to pursue an agreement with Beam.
Rental Housing Code – up for renewal/revision in April.

Report from Sue Prichard, Infill Compatibility Standards Working Group: They will be having their fourth meeting next Monday. They have completed their groundwork and are looking forward to getting down to specifics.

Treasurer’s report: 
Bob will have a more complete report next meeting but we have a balance of approximately $176.

Grants: Our request for alley gravelling has been submitted but needs more petition signatures.  Several attendees added their names.  The Masonic Cemetery gate is almost complete.  There is a landscaping workday on April 12. The Eugene ’08 Grant for signage along the Amazon Trail is still on track. We should monitor impacts of the Trials to anticipate needs for future events.

Green Summit: Eric recounted the discussion on local sustainability.  We discussed possible ties to our Neighborhood.

Potluck Evaluation: Tabled.

Upcoming Events: Discussed next general meeting, possibly in May or June.

Submitted by Jon Belcher

Amazon Valentine Potluck and Social
February 13, 2008

Our Valentine Potluck saw 25 neighbors enjoying good food and company. Neighborhood Services money helped in providing some main course dishes. It was great seeing some of our children there.

Amazon Steering Committee
Minutes of January 9, 2008

Wilma Crowe, Larry Robidoux, Bob Cassidy, Jon Belcher, Ann Muller, Randy Prince, Connie Berglund, Karen Seidel, Lynette Saul, Larry Norris and one other grant petitioner, name not recorded (8 Amazon Neighbors attending)

The minutes of December 12, 2007, were approved.

Larry Norris of the Oregon Track Club presented a proposal for grant monies which are available to several neighborhoods (including Amazon) in conjunction with the Olympic track and field trials to be held on the UO campus in June-July of this year. The proposal is for the installation of permanent, vandal-proof signage at the north and south ends of the Adidas Oregon running trail in Amazon Park and at the head of the Rexius trail which runs along East and West Amazon Parkway south of 33rd Ave. The signs would be helpful to out-of-town attendees who are likely to use the Eugene running trails, and would also be a long-lasting addition for local users. The response of the Steering Committee was positive.

Connie brought up the question of whether the fact that the trails are actually outside our neighborhood boundaries might make this project ineligible. (The neighborhoods in which the trails are located – Friendly and Southeast – are not eligible for the grants.) The Steering Committee agreed that, if the project is eligible for grant funding, we should apply for the full $2000 available to us. Randy agreed to take responsibility for initiating the grant application process.

Connie brought up the issue of gravel debris from the new street surfacing, which had been mentioned at a previous SC meeting. It was agreed that we would monitor the situation through the winter before reporting it to the city.

Neighborhood Matching Grant proposals:
Karen Seidel and Lynette Saul, on behalf of the Masonic Cemetery Association, presented a proposal for funding of a neighborhood picnic in the cemetery on Memorial Day, 2009, as part of a Sesquicentennial celebration of the cemetery’s founding. The Steering Committee endorsed this proposal, for an amount not to exceed $2000.

Bob Cassidy presented a proposal for E. 26th St. between Onyx and Emerald Sts. to be rolled and graded. The Steering Committee endorsed a proposal of between $250 and $300 for the cost of gravel. Jon suggested that Bob get pledges from neighbors for volunteer labor for the spreading and maintenance of the gravel.

Jon Belcher presented a proposal-in-process for a more organized sharing of neighborhood gardens, garden spaces, and fruit trees. He is hoping to find a university student to do a survey of the neighborhood garden resources, and to have a completed proposal ready in the fall.

Planning for Valentine Potluck, Feb. 13
Lu has agreed to provide tablecloths, flowers, juice, etc. It was suggested that, on the flyer, attendees be encouraged to bring their own dishes, flatware, cups, and so on, to minimize the use of disposables.
Ann will try to please all tastes as she spends the $100 allotted to us by the city to buy a variety of main dishes.
Connie will be in charge of set-up. Wilma and Connie will greet, dispense name-tags, have people sign in, collect email addresses.
Flyers for the event will be hand-delivered.

Changing of the Guard:
Connie handed over the Amazon key to Ann.

Thanks for cookies, Wilma.
Minutes: Ann

Next SC Meeting: March 12, 7 pm

Amazon Steering Committee
Minutes December 12, 2007

Wilma Crowe, Jon Belcher, Bob Cassidy, Ann Muller, Connie Berglund, Erik Muller, Sue Prichard (7 Amazon Neighbors attending)

* Cemetery entryway project begun; we will supply volunteers later to help with landscaping.
* Harris Street dance studio rumored to be closing
* Martha Osgood will not be attending SC meetings, yet will continue as our webmistress
* Linda Lu may have a conflict with our Wednesday meetings

SC Work Assignments:
We discussed the range of SC work and had the following categories and volunteers (Those SC members unable to attend this meeting are called on to volunteer where they might be of help):
Showing up: Everyone!
Facilitating meetings: Co-chairs Erik and _____.
Randy will be asked about being co-chair; Jon said he would serve
Minute taking: Rotating among Ann, Erik, Randy, Jon
Newsletter: Melissa Takush
Website & E-mail list: Martha Osgood
Planning socials: Lu
Baking: Wilma
Banking/Finances: Bob
NLC Representative: Co-chairs
Infill Working Group: Sue (Larry Robidoux agreed to be alternate)
Keybearer: Connie
Attendance Reports: Connie to Amazon & Martha; Co-chairs to Neighborhood Services
Anything else? Rounding up Newsletter articles?

Connie observed how valuable Dwight, a student and a renter, had been as an SC member, suggesting that we should recruit for such representation.

Neighborhood Matching Grants:
This program is starting for 2008.
With a February deadline for preliminary applications and our committee role in approving them, we might expect to see applicants at our January 9 meeting or in February (at a special meeting because our Valentine Neighborhood Potluck is tentatively scheduled for February 13).
Bob is interested in investigating possible grant projects. He will approach neighbors near the 26th Avenue link between Emerald and Onyx, where the unpaved way is full of potholes, and the Masonic Cemetery Association about the 25th Avenue muddy pathway on the north side of the cemetery.

Valentine Party:
February 13 looks like a good date. Erik will check on the use of the Amazon Main Hall and the availability of city funds for social activities, as well as getting a flier generated by Melissa and calling Lu about heading up the event; Ann will check on what $100 might buy toward supplementing main dishes.

Infill Compatibility Standards Working Group:
Sue Prichard reported on two meetings of the group that the Planning Commission has authorized to develop land use recommendations for limiting the negatives of infill and encouraging its positive impacts. She acknowledged the tension in these two outcomes and also expressed concern about accommodating infill and still retaining the character of neighborhoods.
Sue has toured our neighborhood and taken pictures of infill examples, good and bad. As our representative to the working group, she invites SC and neighbor input.

Thanks for cookies, Wilma!

Minutes by Erik Muller
Next SC Meeting: January 9, 2008 7pm

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